Saturday, May 21, 2016


Not sure how many of you had the morbid curiosity like I did to watch the circus shows. Rest assured, I was entertained a little bit and you will be too if you watch May 15th AM session if I am not wrong). It was comical to see John Daniel sobbing and crying from the stage that his mom did not have money to buy him the bread rolls and buns when he was a child.  Whether he faked this crying or he genuinely broke down narrating this "life experience," is a different matter. In either case, it shows what kind of damaged psyche this grown man, John Daniel has. John Daniel is just a miserable "cry baby" who wallows in self pity!!! Anybody with some basic commonsense and reasonable intelligence can only conclude that this cry baby is just a bitter man who has deep hurts resulting from being denied a treat (a bread roll of all things!!!) as a child. How often does one come across a leader who gathers people for an "annual convention" and breaks down and cries in front them while narrating his life event about being denied a bread roll because his "godly parents" taught him how to exercise faith!!! What a poor joke this fool is?
It was even more comical to see that he was getting angry with his Tamil translator for not translating correctly. Did this fool expect his translators to translate his crying also and cry in Tamil and Telugu? Thank goodness that these translators did not get emotional and pull out their handkerchiefs to wipe their eyes and blow their noses while translating this "emotionally moving" message of this cry baby!!! It would have been a real entertaining sight to watch all those gullible retreat attendees break down into crying and sobbing because their leader John Daniel could not eat "shiny buns" because his parents were teaching him faith in God. Unbelievable antics and drama is carried out on LEF stages...
It was also quite a spectacular to see this angry man throwing temper tantrums. Some where during that circus time, John Daniel wanted show of hands of all the people who were at St. George's home. John Daniel's body language showed that he was physically agitated that there were not as many hands raised as he would like to see. Then he started calling out the names of the people. Some how some poor Prasanna Kumar had to succumb to John Daniel's wrath for apparently not raising his hand. It was more than evident that John Daniel turned angry because he was not able to handle the disappointment of seeing that there are not many people left in that circus crowd who came to the retreats in St. George. Those were the people who were sincere and honest and came to the retreats for the right reason. John Daniel, may I remind you that your mom along with Immanuel Chakravarthy and other goondas managed to bring LEF to gutter levels that the people whom you are seeing now sitting in front of you are the ones who are actually "paid" to come to the circus show or the ones who show up there because they have nothing better to do. They come there to get a free lodging in Chennai city and in all reality may be using the Beulah garden retreat center as bed and breakfast place. Retreat team might want to appoint some guards to ensure that people don't escape from this "concentration camp" whenever possible to do some site seeing and window shopping in Chennai. John Daniel could have asked people to raise both their hands if he wanted more show of hands of the people who were part of the past legacy of LEF. 
Not with standing all the antics, temper tantrums and brow beating, John Daniel did seem genuinely flabbergasted with the present state of LEF and its rapid decline that is staring him in his face. In some sense, I pity this man of 5 children for being made the captain of this sinking ship. He kept yelling out that they should have a waiting list for people wanting to work at LEF schools, LEF printing press and more families wanting to come and become LEF workers. A sensible man will look inward to examine where the top leadership team went wrong for an organization to face this kind of catastrophe. But the classic trait of Daniel family is to approach the problem from the wrong end. John Daniel, a confirmed fool wants to show his rage on the people who are either too weak to protest or who don't give a hoot to what this raging and angry man rants. He claims that 90% of the blame is on the evangelists for not raising their children to follow God. Now the idea of "following God" itself is twisted in the LEF lexicon. Some how Daniels have grown to equate being a bonded slave to LEF to being the true follower of God. So, all John Daniel's fretting and fuming about people not exercising faith, running after money, wanting good education, not trusting and following God was just to show his rage and anger that people with decent qualifications and stable income have grown wiser so as to not be caught in this evil net of LEF. 
I know that John Daniel is now forced to read the blog himself as the LEF IT guy John Billmoria (who was assigned the job of keeping John Daniel updated what was posted on this blog) also walked out of this hell hole few months ago. That may be the reason John Daniel was jumping up and down  like a monkey which stepped on live coals when talking about the IT professionals. So, now that John Daniel and family members are reading the blog first hand, I will address John Daniel directly.
John Daniel, consider all of the following to understand why more than 80% of LEF evangelists' children have turned their backs on LEF that you want to twist and see as walking away from God. In reality, their turning their backs to LEF and to you and your corrupt mom is because they finally decided to connect with God directly without going through fraud middle men like you and your wicked mom.
Why did LEF evangelists' children turn their backs on LEF?
1. Unlike your parents, these evangelists did not have LEF money at their disposal to send their children (after being labeled as missionary kid) to top-notch schools like Hebron School.
2. Unlike you and your parents, these evangelists and their families  did not have chauffeur driven cars, maids and servants waiting on them but had to walk several miles even to access basic education, cook their own food and cook for others and also do their own chores.
3. Unlike you and your family, they did not live in "bungalows" in hill stations with attached tennis courts but had to live in huts and asbestos sheds that most of the time did not even give them protection from the elements such as sun, rain and cold.
4. Unlike your parents, who could move your huge family to America without consulting with a single soul, these evangelists did not have the freedom to move to the nearest town to be with their children who wanted to pursue higher studies. If you have the integrity, gather some information on how many LEF evangelists' children had to go and stay with their relatives and live in hostels because their parents were not given the freedom to move to a different town to be with their growing children who wanted to study beyond high school.
5. Unlike you, who never stepped into any Bible college (not even the LEF Bible College that your great family instituted), these LEF evangelists' children were expected to rot in the "Bible College" indefinitely if they had chosen to become LEF workers.
6. Unlike your children, who are constantly show cased on the LEF stages, these evangelists' children were not recognized as "stars" by LEF to be paraded on the stages.
7. Unlike you, who had your wife live in the same house as you were for considerable amount of time before marriage  to check her out to see if she was suitable for you to marry, these evangelists' children were expected to marry someone whom they have never seen, spoken to or interacted with. In other words, they did not "date" their spouses like you and in fact your dad also did.
8. Unlike you, these evangelists' children did not have an assured spot in LEF power circles to be voted in as a "president," like you were voted in. You should be thankful to your manipulative and wicked mom for working over time to prop you up.
9. Unlike you and your family who shamelessly eat LEF money without your mother or father ever having a secular job, most of these evangelists and their wives were made to go and work as teachers, watchmen, cleaners, waiters even though they were full-time workers of LEF.
10. Unlike you, who never had to bother about paying the huge hospital bills for your father (who had multiple health complications for more than 30 years prior to his death), these evangelists' children had to pay for their parents' medical bills. Go and ask Mr. Prasanna Kumar (who was in LEF as a full-time worker from his 20s) how much money LEF gave to cover the medical expenses resulting from his serious illness.
11. Unlike your parents who get to live in the houses bought with LEF money till their death, many of these evangelists have been systematically driven out from their centers once they crossed sixty years of age.
12. Unlike you, who did not have to bother to financially support your old parents (how can you? you and your family are sitting with begging bowls to eat LEF money that your mother generously gives you from LEF treasury), these LEF evangelists' children had to provide for their parents in their old age. 
Seeing that their parents were exploited by LEF, evangelists' children did indeed go in to a mode of self -preservation to ensure that they never  fall into the hands of unscrupulous people such as you, your mom and Immanuel Chakravarthy. To add insult to this injury of LEF evangelists being exploited, your wicked mom brings in Immanuel Chakravarthy to loot and plunder and make a mockery of the years of toil of LEF evangelists and their families. Your mom did not stop there but proceeded with giving unrestricted access to Immanuel Chakravarthy to the women working in LEF schools and other LEF outfits. 
John Daniel, you can scream till your lungs give up but that is not going shake a leaf any more!!! You need to "build your team" with high school drop outs, incompetent and good for nothing people who know for sure that they cannot survive in the outside world. What you now have with you are  lame men and women who use LEF as crutch. 
There are too many holes for John Daniel to fill to stop the LEF ship from sinking. It is not too much longer before this sinking ship will disappear in the deep seas. Only fools try to build a secure cabin in a sinking ship. It doesn't matter how secure the cabin might feel but a ship that is sinking will take down everything with it, including the secure cabin. In fact, being in a secure cabin in a sinking ship will completely eliminate the chance of a person ever being rescued when the ship is sunk. If someone is out on the deck, they might have a fighting chance of being noticed when the ship makes it to the bottom to get rescued. 


  1. good writing

  2. Shots fired! Shots fired!!

    What a blistering attack by WB!

    Point by point
    Bullet by bullet
    Straight into the heart of this cult organisation built with hypocrisy and double standards.

    While reading this post I couldn't help but have a grin on my face, thinking about a confrontation scene from a movie called 'the Equalizer'.
    ( )

    In the scene, Denzel goes on something like this,
    "Because I can keep going..." he says.

    "Brick by brick.
    Dollar by dollar.
    Body by body.
    you can call your boss and tell him to shut down his operation.

    Dear Pharisees in the LEF, the same's for you too.

    You preach half truths taking scriptures out of context.
    You display a holiness that is fake while you kill people with your tongues.
    Rather than preaching the righteousness that is by faith in Jesus Christ,
    you preach the righteousness that is by self-efforts, drowning people into depths guilt and condemnation.
    You have even made the act of salvation a complicated and burdensome process.

    As our Lord says,
    "For you bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders but you yourselves will not move them with one of your fingers”
    “All your works you do to be seen by men"
    "You love the best places at feasts, the best seats in the synagogues, greetings in the marketplaces, and to be called by men, ‘Rabbi, Rabbi.’"
    "For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men"
    "For you travel across lands and seas to win a single convert, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves."
    "You have neglected the important matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith"
    "Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!"
    "For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence."
    "You outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness." (Matt 23)

    The power and the beauty of truth is what you see here in this blog.
    You may sweep it under the carpet, bury it deep, put a large stone over it, quite satisfied that you won't have to deal with it anymore
    but it resurrects and comes out shining in all its glory.

    So no point in covering up.

    Either you can come forward and come out clean against the charges leveled
    you can just keep running, far and away into hiding, while the black cloud that hangs over your head gets bigger and bigger until one day when everything comes crashing down!

    Time's running out.

    T i m e' s r u n n i n' o u t .

    TIC TOC...
    TIC TOC..
    TIC TOC.

    1. These guys are not even resemble Pharisees . Because Pharisees were theologians. These guys are foolish without any basic understanding of the Scripture. LOL

  3. A point blank shot from WB. Well written. Painfully true. But the thousands of the followers fanning constantly and listening to the foolish utterances of jjd do not understand a bit of what s happening a round and how they are duped. Any chance of distributing pamphlets to these people with the latest update by WB

  4. Intrigued by Whistleblower's account, I watched this.......surely not a 'sermon'? I started making notes, such as: John Daniel 'knows' that LEF people eat too much because they are diabetic (John Daniel 'lovingly' (?) mocked people suffering from diabetes). However John Daniel's mother, Lily Daniel, is diabetic. Lily Daniel could not afford to buy John Daniel a sugared bun, so clearly over-eating did not cause her diabetes. Why does John Daniel think that other LEF people with diabetes have it because they overeat? John Daniel wanted his own radio programme whilst at college, but ran out ot money. John Daniel had 'learnt faith' so he prayed and God gave him a job sweeping snow from driveways (haven't we heard this tale a million times from his mother Lily?); the snow didn't fall so John Daniel (who, I repeat, had 'learnt faith', unlike the rest of us who merely exercise it as a gift from God - Eph. 2: 8,9) prayed again, and it snowed profusely so that John Daniel could enjoy his hobby (despite the needs of others whose wellbeing might have been affected by heavy snowfall)! John Daniel's father failed to observe N. Daniel's warning that 'God had told him' that there was going to be an accident, so all the Daniels were thrown out of the Studebaker car Joshua Daniel was driving. Haven't we also heard this tale a million times before? Ah, but this story allegedly tells LEF people that they must obey God (because N. Daniel is the equivalent of God in LEF circles?). John Daniel thinks that parents should not do their best to educate their offspring, as this takes money, and detracts from LEF offering plates. How come his daughters are being, or will be, given college educations (possibly with some assistance from LEF offerings)? How come he and some of his siblings also received college educations? How come his father allegedly studied English at a college (and even bought himself a fake Ph.D later)? John Daniel knows everything about Andhra people, and despises them for wanting somewhere in which to get married (it seems that LEF properties are out of bounds to those who paid for them to be built , which is maybe why they want buildings that they actually can use). John Daniel seems to despise Andhra people anyway, with or without their marriage premises ambitions. John Daniel mocked people whose qualifications and hard work have earned them titles in management or executive posts. Who was it who boasted, lied, and exaggerated in the course of his preaching about John Daniel's position in relation to General Motors? Oh yes, it was his father, Joshua Daniel! Who is it who appointed for himself a fancy title on LinkedIn, when in fact he was running some kind of one-man business from his home (also registered as an LEF property!)? Oh yes, John Daniel! Evidently all the Daniels have 'learnt faith', but John Daniel finds it very difficult to 'teach faith' to others. Perhaps this is because you are not a fit person to teach anything of a spiritual nature to anyone, John? Or perhaps because nowhere in the Bible are we taught that it is our job to 'teach faith' to others. John Daniel wants all LEF people to buy reprints of his father's (dubious) books 'Another Daniel' and a (simplistic) Wesley biography. It seems that by reading Joshua Daniel's ramblings they will 'learn faith'. No monetary considerations, of course, given that all they need to know about 'faith ' is already in their Bibles.

    One can take just so much of John Daniel's stuttering and stumbling and insulting his listeners whilst rather unsuccessfully trying to imitate his father's mannerisms and shoutings, so I nodded off. However I came to attention again when, after John Daniel had concluded his diatribe, Rodney Bills announced the circulation of the offering plates! The purpose and focus of John Daniel's tortuous utterances became immediately clear. GIVE US YOUR MONEY!

    1. One word describes JJD's preaching: harangue.I heard the "Johnny Story" (snow job) from LD about 25 years ago while in South Bend. Later I found out where the funds came from. This leads me to wonder if the German support was seen by JD as his opportunity to get to America under the pretext of "ministry," since it is clear he despised India and indians. I don't really know the timing of it all whether or not my speculation is accurate. Anyone have anything to add or to correct me on this?

  5. Without the holy spirit Christianity is just a religion. Those who are led by the spirit of God are the children of God. If we are led by the spirit of God we will bear the fruits of the spirit that is love, joy, peace, patiece, gentleness, kindness... my sincere question is : are the lef leaders spirit led? Are they gentle, kind, loving???

  6. The Holy Spirit is grieved so much in LEF... How can there be revival any longer? John Daniel head not experienced the touch of the Spirit and so we see more of fleshly soulish rantings..not the inspired word that the hungry congregated souls need... And the saddest part is many hungry souls returned unfed spiritually.. Legalistic teachings will only produce more Pharisees only in the long run..or slaves of Daniels..not of God or righteousness.. God have mercy..

  7. Everything is act. Even bringing Bro. Witson and Mrs. Kamala is just coverup. Fake peace. Behind same plots were done to humiliate them. Hope they dont fall for this LDs plot. She knows ir

  8. LD you can not hide. God brings out the truth. You know what youvdo behind your fake peace make believe repentance. Same style whay satan did in the garden of Eden

  9. Sunday Message was not so great.. the same old old story. I do not see any spirit filled messages.. Why JJD feels shame when he looked at people leaving the camp on Sunday. ? Who designed the retread calendar ? And the last day is Sunday... If you are too concerned about holiness and Godliness and fear of God.. why are you keeping the tuck shops opened on Sunday. Even if you want to give food/snacks/drinks to the people, why are you selling it.. Why don't you give it for free..? Can you proudly preach that you are very sad and feel ashamed on selling things inside BG during retreat? Can you open your eyes? Can you control it? Yes. you can't .. because of MONEY.. why bibles or books are sold at exorbitant price in BG .. why can't you give at nominal price? One last question.. why are you sitting next to the fan on the stage? If JJD can answer these he will be the real preacher..

  10. There are bunch of wedding at BG today. Here are my questions based on what I observed from today's BG wedding..
    (1) Why didn't JJD come with family?
    (2) Do they attend only Western wedding?
    (3) Is he afraid that his children follow Indian Tradition if they get to see the wedding at BG?
    (4) Why these D5 did not perform any songs for the newly wedded couple?
    (5) Were where his wife and D5 during the wedding ?
    (6) Why such a big crowed was kept in dining hall instead of main hall ?
    (7) Weren't any marriage solemnized in main hall earlier?
    (8) Why partiality?
    (9) Why the wedding took such a long time ?
    (10) Why does he stand behind his MoM like baby?


  12. AnonymousMay 22, 2016 8:37 PM

    Mrs. Kamala and Rev.Whitson didn't come to the retreat as they were forced by JJD.They alone came out of their own interest.

    1. Lily made some deal. There is no repentance. Their coming is a big part of her manipulation . Real LD idoes not value spiritul standards. Its all who follows her order and who does the wicked thing for her. Jayalalitha will loose if she competes with LD How sad they fell into her trapped and doesn't even know she is betraying them behind them

    2. But certainly big part of LDs manipulative evil plans whether they realize it or not. I am sure they dont even understand her evil ways. But already started paying for it.

    3. Mrs.Kamala or Rev.Whitson coming to the retreat may be part of a deal to repair the tarnished image of John and Lily.There is no conclude that there is a rethink or revival of familial ties.

      I request the readers of this blog to reject human ideologies,godmen and baba's of the LEF.Look just at Jesus the author and finisher of Salvation.

  13. Oh really??? They told you that ... :-)

  14. Were LEF Centres Registered as CHURCH or community hall or Prayer hall? Is it right Registering Centres under Prayer Hall instead of Church?
    As per LEF constitution, why LEF Centre Leaders are not being transferred in every TWO years?
    What about west & east godavari centre leaders? Whos is genuine among the Centre Leaders in east & west godaveri?

    1. anonymous may25 744am: you should write to john why they are not following the constitution. once i wrote to him about east godavary and he blasted me from the stage in the recent revival meetings in rajahmundry thinking that i am from rajahmundry.

      dear wb & all others: we should all write to john with a common representation and if he fails to correct within the stipulated period we should lodge a complaint with Registrar of societies with a copy to SP of the police and collector. Your comments please.. david paul

    2. Dear Brother / Sister, sad to say but the LEF is not a registered charity, It has not submitted its annual balance sheets for some 20 years so the registration has been already cancelled automatically. LEF and LEFI are two names, LEFI is not registered and LEF was closed down by LEFI. Another common use is the name " Youth Centre" . LEF centres are not registered as Church / community halls, They are plain residences. So what happens to the offerings, depending on the riches of the evangelist, money is sent to the HQ, where accounts are shown to be maintained, finally the money goes to the Daniels who never maintain any accounts. All payments are in Cash (against the rules) so no one knows how much money is collected and how much is spent and on what way. How much is spent on the family expenses (while denying even subsistence wages foe evangelists). So dont give money to the LEF. Is it fair to have a so called church without a written constitution / regular office bearers, treasurers, etc. This is one daniel family which collects money and just spends it as it pleases them. Is it fair you decide.

  15. John is lying.They were always chauffeured to School by Bro.Sathy,Bro.Swamidass to their schools when they were children in the best cars.They studied in the world famous school Hebron's in Ooty.We all know that JD drove a mercedes benz as early as the late 70's.They actually had 2 mercs in their stable and an ambassador.LD probably withheld sugary buns as diabetes was running in the family.

    1. John cannot connect intellectually or theologically or culturally with the congregation, but he needs money, and so tries to connect emotionally. His mother approves it as money is the only aim. Nice thing he didnt say, "my mother gave me a serpent/ piece of stone when I asked for a piece of bread" The idea is simple, give me more money and please do not ask any questions.

    2. Bro.Sathy,Bro.Swamidass chauffeured these wild kids to school and back, did they do that for their own children, No. Now let them think what kind of monsters they had served their entire life

    3. Not their entire lives. Mr. Sathy has not supported LEF for quite a few years, and when he was connected with LEF he did his best to correct the behaviours of both Joshua Daniel and Immanuel Chakravarthy (his letter of reprimand to IC was published earlier on the Whistleblower website). When they refused to repent and reform he left, and that is what all of you who still support the Daniels and LEF now should do.

      Have the courage to back up your complaints against this cultish organisation and its rogue leaders with firm and uncompromising action.

  16. Its funny. John was born in USA. And they were travelling back and forth . Studied in top end schools. Had drivers, cooks and servants for every work around them. Hi John. You need Wisdom even to lie. What an unthankful heart.

  17. Lefers believe that God will judge them based on the merits of their righteousness. They are supposed to become righteous because of their conversion .

  18. Philippians3:9.....and be found I him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ , the righteousness which is from God by faith.will our righteousness suffice on the day of judgement?

  19. Ephesians 2:8 FOR by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. 2:9 Not of works, lest anyone should boast.

  20. Assuming to John was suffering from hunger for few minutes and could not afford a bun. He should have good understanding how hard it is for sooo many who are hungry for years. He should try to help them knowing the extent of their hardship. Just preaching about serving their greed is not anyway following God which they claim to.

  21. Galatians 4:9 but now that you know God -or rather are known by God -how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Before his conversion Paul was one of the best legalists who ever lived. A loyal jew, he tortured christians who stepped outside jreish traditions, to follow christ. If a petson could reach God by following the law, then he, the strict Pharisee, would have done it. But, in Galatians, he blasts the idea that God's love is conditioned by how many rules we obey. Legalism is like a cage; it can only condemn people and lock them behind bars. Chapters 3-4 drae sharp contrasts:a prisoner and a free man. Paul says, act like a free man.5:1. He teaches us that there is nothing we can do to make God loved us more.-or love us less. We dont have to earn God's love by following rules. Contrary to st. Paul's teachings the lef condemns, enslaves, teaches people to earn their salvation. Greater emphasis is placed on confession than on believing in Jesus.

  22. The LEF teaching on salvation is very old and has undergone considerable modification over the years (it is still not biblical). Originally Mr.N.Daniel got the ideas,
    1. Jesus spoke to his disciples when he was alive,
    2. God is alive today
    3. so why doesn't God Speak to his people. (these ideas conveniently forgot the life, death and resurrection of Lord Jesus. Who no more lived as a human among his disciples.)
    4. India must see 1st century Christianity of sick people becoming healed, dead being raised up
    5. OK how will God speak "Through his word (bible)" (Also it was meant, the preaching of the Daniels",
    6. So, confess all your sins, to God and more importantly to the Daniels, and restitute all stolen things (like ticket less travels). (This information on confession was used to control people) God will forgive you and speak to you through his word and give you an assurance of forgiveness of sins and salvation. Without this assurance you cannot go to Heaven.
    7. But usually these words of assurance were 'Son be of Good Cheer, your sins are forgiven" / "Daughter your faith has made you whole", so that person will be overjoyed that God Had spoken to him/her and gave an assurance that sins were forgiven.
    8. But is a person saved by merit or by works or by Grace
    what about the matchless sacrifice of Jesus who died for us (These things were never clarified)
    9. This lead to a lot of people who had done all the confessing and restitution but didn't get the assurance and so were told to pray, confess more, search deeply their hearts, and also attend the retreats where they got this assurance
    10. but this full plan was never told openly, in the foreign meetings, people were asked to become Christians by believing on Jesus ! ( the long salvation plan was for Indians only). Now even this is not being preached to Indians.

  23. The congregation has thinned down alarmingly in Madras, where in a recent service I counted some 25 men and 50 women sitting on the floor. Some old grandparents at the chairs, some 200. Will the LEF leaders think at least now why such a drastic fall has happened. Mr.Peter Iqbal is as usual living in his own world, At this rate the LEF will become extinct with in 10 years

    1. Extinct in one year would be better; but hey, we are not going to complain about five,or even ten years, if it means the final extinction of this pernicious and damaging organisation........

    2. Hopefully sooner than later.


    This site has been active for very many months now. Many people have been enlightened as to the realities inherent in the cultish organisation known as the Laymen's Evangelical Fellowship, and its misguided, often reprobate leadership. Many people in India and all over the world have been following this site and the Suniemi site, and are being comforted to know that their misgivings about LEF are not the products of their own 'sinful' questioning of 'the Lord's Anointed' (the blasphemous title accorded to Joshua Daniel by himself and his henchmen), but fully justified. Many have stopped attending LEF meetings and supporting LEF and the Daniels financially, or with their labour.

    HOWEVER many are still trapped in it; often because they are dependent children of LEF-brainwashed parents, or wives of LEF-obsessed husbands. Sometimes because they have simply not had access to the realities exposed here on the internet.

    Some are leading compromising lives - contributing here, but continuing with LEF because old habits die hard, and it is in some ways less troublesome to 'go against the flow' of those around them. Some have been stuck in LEF service for years - in the so-called 'Bible School', or as local 'evangelists' - and cannot conceive of a life without the LEF psychological prop (some may even have come to like the abuse they suffer. It offers a kind of negative security, which they fear losing, and it is well-known that some captives eventually come to love their captors, those who have deliberately separated them from normal human affections and interactions).

    Whatever may be your stance in all of this, please now have the courage to help to de-fang the LEF cobra, so that it cannot bite and poison future generations. The Daniels may be hoping that the furore which these two sites have created will die down, that the site promoters will lose incentive and momentum. It is really now up to readers and contributors themselves to build, through their own enlightenment, on the foundations laid by Suniemi and WB.

    The four-step programme for LEF-ers Anonymous who need to kick their LEF addiction is::

    1. Get together for worship, prayer, and discussion away from LEF premises and LEF stalwarts
    2. Stop buying, with your tithes or labour, the poison that LEF peddles
    3. Make sure vulnerable LEF-entrapped people are made aware of the facts promoted here
    4. Give practical and spiritual help to weaker brethren who want to leave but are being bullied into remaining

    JESUS DID NOT SAY 'LEF IS THE WAY, THE LIFE, AND THE TRUTH'. That notion is a deliberate falsehood invented and propagated by the Daniel family.

  25. Whilst musing about John Daniel's platform histrionics concerning his sugared bun deprivation, I was reminded of his father, Joshua's, histrionics in 'prayer'. The apple does not fall far from the tree......especially when a maggot or two has taken up residence in it.

    Example: 'Lord, I need to be more humble!', and 'Lord, I have done so little for you!' were regularly and dramatically wailed from retreat platforms by the late Joshua Daniel. Both appeared to be intended for mortal hearers rather than for Immortal God. Someone has already pointed out that 'Lord, I need to be more humble!' was an invitation to Joshua's hearers to respond (at very least in their minds) with 'But you ARE humble! Only a truly humble man would not recognise his own state of humbleness and ask the Lord for more humility.' So what about 'Lord, I have done so little for you!'? I suggest that again this was a piece of rhetoric designed to elicit from his hearers the response, 'But Brother Joe (a mode of address normally conveying spiritual equality as co-members of the Body of Christ - but not in Joshua's case!), how can you pray like that when you have done so much for the Lord?'

    Now if someone is genuine about acknowledging his/her failings, then these are issues which should be spoken about to the Lord in private. Personal failings are not matters for routine public prayer, and in any case why would Joshua Daniel think that Almighty God was in any way depending on Joshua Daniel's ability and willingness to 'do things' for him?

    Joshua Daniel had never been a member of a biblically ordered local body of Christ, or submitted himself to the discipline of local church government, so had never had the experience of being just one amongst an ordinary group of church members at a weekly prayer meeting. Perhaps he really believed that tediously lengthy and impassioned speeches, dotted with (leading!) references to one's personal failings, constitute helpful public prayer. So whom was he imitating with his prayer dramatics?

    Joshua Daniel was hooked on 'Revivalism', a phenomenon which seems to occur amongst those who have not had, or have not wanted, sound teaching about the nature of Christian conversion. It is not the same thing as 'Revival', which is a sovereign act of the Holy Spirit, which has spontaneously happened from time to time in history (as in the days of Jonathan Edwards), and which cannot be brought about by man. When true Revival has occurred, men have exhibited brokenness in public, but true Revival has been comparatively rare in history. Charles Finney was the main instigator of 'Revivalism', which is man attempting to bring about what only God can instigate, and which results in many false conversions. Finney instituted the practice of getting people to come to the front, of encouraging them to wail about their sin in public, when often true repentance had not taken place. Finney, contrary to Joshua Daniel's naive and ill-written mini-biography of him, had much to answer for. Revivalism is the bane of modern so-called evangelicalism. It is usually promoted by those who do not see the necessity of submitting themselves, and being accountable, to others in a local church setting.

    Ex and current LEF supporters would do well to research the real Finney using sober, informed, and accurate sources.

    Meanwhile the practice of imitating Joshua Daniel's public prayer and other affectations and eccentricities continues. I well recall 'Oh my Father', directly appropriated from the utterances of JD, being routinely bellowed out (with a German accent) in one centre 'leader's' public prayer. He meant well, perhaps, but........

    We are to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth, not in error and in imitation of anyone else, especially of those who, either deliberately or because of ignorance, promote error.


    1. Though Charles Grandison Finney excelled at cloaking his opinions in ambiguous language and biblical-sounding expressions, his views were almost pure Pelagianism. Pelagianism is the belief that original sin did not taint human nature and that mortal will is still capable of choosing good or evil without special divine aid. The arguments he employed to sustain those views were nearly always rationalistic and philosophical, not biblical. To canonize this man as an evangelical hero is to ignore the facts of what he stood for.
      By corrupting the doctrine of justification by faith; by denying the doctrines of original sin and total depravity; by minimizing the sovereignty of God while enthroning the power of the human will; and above all, by undermining the doctrine of substitutionary atonement, Finney filled the bloodstream of American evangelicalism with poisons that have kept the movement maimed even to this day.

      Finney denied that the righteousness of Christ is the sole ground of our justification, teaching instead that sinners must reform their own hearts in order to be acceptable to God. His emphasis on self-reformation apart from divine enablement is again a strong echo of Pelagianism.

      The doctrine of imputed righteousness is the very heart of the historic difference between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism. The whole doctrine of justification by faith hinges on this concept. But Finney flatly rejected it. Since the dawn of the Protestant Reformation, the virtually unanimous Protestant consensus has been that justification is in no sense grounded in or conditioned on our sanctification. Catholicism, on the other hand, mingles justification and sanctification, making sanctification a prerequisite to final justification. Finney sided with Rome on this point.

      The clear implication of Finney's view is that justification ultimately hinges on the believer's own obedience, and God will not truly and finally pardon the repentant sinner until after that penitent one completes a lifetime of faithful obedience. Finney regarded justification as a subjective thing grounded not in Christ's redemptive work but in the believer's own obedience — and therefore a matter of works, not faith alone.

      Predictably, most of Finney's spiritual heirs lapsed into apostasy, Socinianism, mere moralism, cultlike perfectionism, and other related errors. In short, Finney's chief legacy was confusion and doctrinal compromise. Evangelical Christianity virtually disappeared from western New York in Finney's own lifetime. Despite Finney's accounts of glorious "revivals," most of the vast region of New England where he held his revival campaigns fell into a permanent spiritual coldness during Finney's lifetime and more than a hundred years later still has not emerged from that malaise. This is directly owing to the influence of Finney and others who were simultaneously promoting similar ideas.
      The Western half of New York became known as "the burnt-over district," because of the negative effects of the revivalist movement that culminated in Finney's work there. These facts are often obscured in the popular lore about Finney. But even Finney himself spoke of "a burnt district" [Memoirs, 78], and he lamented the absence of any lasting fruit from his evangelistic efforts."

      Full text: ( URL: )

    2. Unfortunately many gullible were deceived by such prayers and comments. Off-stage Joshua Daniel unfortunately seemed proud of his “humility”, at least in my personal experience.

    3. Thanks for this very helpful link, Anon. June 12 5.54am

      Suniemi: Joshua Daniel was demonstrably proud of his 'humility ' not only off-stage, but on-stage! His on-stage presence convinced me that he would have little of substance to offer me offstage either, in terms of encouragement to true godliness, so I consciously avoided him! Interestingly, although he must have realised this, he did not go out of his way to seek me out, even in the small, fairly intimate gatherings which characterise non-Indian 'retreats'. I always felt that he sensed that I had got the true measure of him even then........albeit without the many practical evidences which have since come to light.

      We are reluctant to think badly of those who claim to be Christian brethren, but instinct can sometimes be a pointer. One of his most respected Indian LEF colleagues (older than Joshua Daniel, in the company of his wife, both dead now) confided in me that they and others in India were worried about Joshua Daniel's behaviour, and in particular about his monomania, which did not allow him to share leadership with anybody, or bow to the valid opinions of his peers. They had tried to reason with him, unsuccessfully. Joshua Daniel did not have the courage to respond to me in person when I ceased to associate with LEF, but delegated this to his wife, Lily, who, as an apologist for her husband, was a dismal failure.

      In a real church Joshua Daniel would have been subject to the same spiritual discipline as anyone else. Without such discipline he was free to behave as he wished, and he did. He himself was the 'author and finisher' of the brand of faith he proclaimed.

      This should be a warning to all those who continue to belong to religious groups dominated by 'personalities', and without true Biblical government. Often there is no smoke without fire, in terms of personally felt misgivings about those who 'lead'. However such people deliberately make it difficult or impossible for others to make them accountable.

      How much suffering could have been avoided if the general body of LEF adherents had had the courage and means of expressing their worries, instead of succumbing to unbiblical, even blasphemous threats that they 'should not dare to touch the Lord's anointed'? Such a threat was levelled at me by an otherwise intelligent man who had experienced a lifetime of LEF brainwashing. When I challenged the contexts and his flawed interpretations of the random Bible verses he launched at me, he quickly decided that he not going to continue the discussion. Such is the effect of LEF brainwashing - if you have no answers, retreat with an air of righteous indignation!

  26. I know Daniel uncle and the lef church, the church based on spiritual truth. This site is an example for last days deception using modern technology. Please, believers be WISE enough in your spirit to ignore this site and rather spend your time in much prayers at Jesus feet. After going through this site yesterday, I was not able to sleep in my bed and rather cried with Prayers realizing "Pray without ceasing" in order to support the church through prayers. Please again all the facts described here seems like true but they are not in right context. Example,I know, Daniel uncle didn't go to his sister's death, it is because of May retreat as he considered God's work as more important than his own grief. I dont know how long they will leave this comment to be visible in this site, but please be aware. I have no more comments further to argue anyone. God Bless.

    1. May you have many many more sleepless nights in the New year, so that you may be awakened from the deep slumber of ignorance to come out into all-powerful knowledge!!!


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