Friday, May 01, 2015


Here is a very well thought out write-up of one of our followers on the blog who is suggesting some action plans
There are many issues to discuss concerning the LEF, including teachings, outreach, ministry, leadership and organizational structure. Of course I won't try to do all of that in a single comment. Let me suggest that the blog and the commentators would be most convincing if each person would write clearly and either stick to the facts or pose good questions. While I understand that many people have been deeply hurt by the LEF, let's keep the discussion at a higher level.
Since much of this blog/discussion concerns financial issues, let me make a few comments about that. ANY organization registered with the government (the LEF surely is) must officially follow certain rules. JD would always claim that his focus was on the Kingdom of God and he did not want to focus on organizational issues and take attention away from spiritual growth. He is posing a false dichotomy, that is, that one cannot be both organized and spiritual. Of course you can! I would suggest that until the LEF has clear, transparent organization, one should not give them any money. Again, ANY reputable organization does this. The collection from each center should be clearly documented, the expenses, etc. The LEF officially has a board, but they never properly met (JD would hold prayer meetings and these would be the official "board meetings")
The board should hold regular, PROPER meetings and make organizational issues collectively. Of course the Daniels are afraid of this, for various reasons, but since they are an official charitable organization, they should grow up and act like one.
Once I sat with JD in his HQ office and he called a brother in to bring him a large sum of money. The brother seemed surprised, and JD got mad and told just to get the money. There was no explanation given. When the LEF gets its house in order, THEN you start giving again. If you are concerned for a local evangelist, perhaps bring him food, clothing, etc which will not be illegally transferred to others.
I'm not suggesting that every LEF person needs to understand the finances. In a normal organization, a well-functioning group of leaders collectively make decisions and everything is transparent. A level of trust is exercised. In the LEF, however, there is no transparency and abuses occur on a large scale. Do not be afraid. You have every right to have a proper organization. It's actually not hard to have proper accountability. JD told the Canadians that he was accountable to no one but God. For his soul this may be true, but not as an organizational leader. Don't let the Daniels hide behind their "power". If they are clean, they have nothing to fear.