Saturday, May 21, 2016


Not sure how many of you had the morbid curiosity like I did to watch the circus shows. Rest assured, I was entertained a little bit and you will be too if you watch May 15th AM session if I am not wrong). It was comical to see John Daniel sobbing and crying from the stage that his mom did not have money to buy him the bread rolls and buns when he was a child.  Whether he faked this crying or he genuinely broke down narrating this "life experience," is a different matter. In either case, it shows what kind of damaged psyche this grown man, John Daniel has. John Daniel is just a miserable "cry baby" who wallows in self pity!!! Anybody with some basic commonsense and reasonable intelligence can only conclude that this cry baby is just a bitter man who has deep hurts resulting from being denied a treat (a bread roll of all things!!!) as a child. How often does one come across a leader who gathers people for an "annual convention" and breaks down and cries in front them while narrating his life event about being denied a bread roll because his "godly parents" taught him how to exercise faith!!! What a poor joke this fool is?
It was even more comical to see that he was getting angry with his Tamil translator for not translating correctly. Did this fool expect his translators to translate his crying also and cry in Tamil and Telugu? Thank goodness that these translators did not get emotional and pull out their handkerchiefs to wipe their eyes and blow their noses while translating this "emotionally moving" message of this cry baby!!! It would have been a real entertaining sight to watch all those gullible retreat attendees break down into crying and sobbing because their leader John Daniel could not eat "shiny buns" because his parents were teaching him faith in God. Unbelievable antics and drama is carried out on LEF stages...
It was also quite a spectacular to see this angry man throwing temper tantrums. Some where during that circus time, John Daniel wanted show of hands of all the people who were at St. George's home. John Daniel's body language showed that he was physically agitated that there were not as many hands raised as he would like to see. Then he started calling out the names of the people. Some how some poor Prasanna Kumar had to succumb to John Daniel's wrath for apparently not raising his hand. It was more than evident that John Daniel turned angry because he was not able to handle the disappointment of seeing that there are not many people left in that circus crowd who came to the retreats in St. George. Those were the people who were sincere and honest and came to the retreats for the right reason. John Daniel, may I remind you that your mom along with Immanuel Chakravarthy and other goondas managed to bring LEF to gutter levels that the people whom you are seeing now sitting in front of you are the ones who are actually "paid" to come to the circus show or the ones who show up there because they have nothing better to do. They come there to get a free lodging in Chennai city and in all reality may be using the Beulah garden retreat center as bed and breakfast place. Retreat team might want to appoint some guards to ensure that people don't escape from this "concentration camp" whenever possible to do some site seeing and window shopping in Chennai. John Daniel could have asked people to raise both their hands if he wanted more show of hands of the people who were part of the past legacy of LEF. 
Not with standing all the antics, temper tantrums and brow beating, John Daniel did seem genuinely flabbergasted with the present state of LEF and its rapid decline that is staring him in his face. In some sense, I pity this man of 5 children for being made the captain of this sinking ship. He kept yelling out that they should have a waiting list for people wanting to work at LEF schools, LEF printing press and more families wanting to come and become LEF workers. A sensible man will look inward to examine where the top leadership team went wrong for an organization to face this kind of catastrophe. But the classic trait of Daniel family is to approach the problem from the wrong end. John Daniel, a confirmed fool wants to show his rage on the people who are either too weak to protest or who don't give a hoot to what this raging and angry man rants. He claims that 90% of the blame is on the evangelists for not raising their children to follow God. Now the idea of "following God" itself is twisted in the LEF lexicon. Some how Daniels have grown to equate being a bonded slave to LEF to being the true follower of God. So, all John Daniel's fretting and fuming about people not exercising faith, running after money, wanting good education, not trusting and following God was just to show his rage and anger that people with decent qualifications and stable income have grown wiser so as to not be caught in this evil net of LEF. 
I know that John Daniel is now forced to read the blog himself as the LEF IT guy John Billmoria (who was assigned the job of keeping John Daniel updated what was posted on this blog) also walked out of this hell hole few months ago. That may be the reason John Daniel was jumping up and down  like a monkey which stepped on live coals when talking about the IT professionals. So, now that John Daniel and family members are reading the blog first hand, I will address John Daniel directly.
John Daniel, consider all of the following to understand why more than 80% of LEF evangelists' children have turned their backs on LEF that you want to twist and see as walking away from God. In reality, their turning their backs to LEF and to you and your corrupt mom is because they finally decided to connect with God directly without going through fraud middle men like you and your wicked mom.
Why did LEF evangelists' children turn their backs on LEF?
1. Unlike your parents, these evangelists did not have LEF money at their disposal to send their children (after being labeled as missionary kid) to top-notch schools like Hebron School.
2. Unlike you and your parents, these evangelists and their families  did not have chauffeur driven cars, maids and servants waiting on them but had to walk several miles even to access basic education, cook their own food and cook for others and also do their own chores.
3. Unlike you and your family, they did not live in "bungalows" in hill stations with attached tennis courts but had to live in huts and asbestos sheds that most of the time did not even give them protection from the elements such as sun, rain and cold.
4. Unlike your parents, who could move your huge family to America without consulting with a single soul, these evangelists did not have the freedom to move to the nearest town to be with their children who wanted to pursue higher studies. If you have the integrity, gather some information on how many LEF evangelists' children had to go and stay with their relatives and live in hostels because their parents were not given the freedom to move to a different town to be with their growing children who wanted to study beyond high school.
5. Unlike you, who never stepped into any Bible college (not even the LEF Bible College that your great family instituted), these LEF evangelists' children were expected to rot in the "Bible College" indefinitely if they had chosen to become LEF workers.
6. Unlike your children, who are constantly show cased on the LEF stages, these evangelists' children were not recognized as "stars" by LEF to be paraded on the stages.
7. Unlike you, who had your wife live in the same house as you were for considerable amount of time before marriage  to check her out to see if she was suitable for you to marry, these evangelists' children were expected to marry someone whom they have never seen, spoken to or interacted with. In other words, they did not "date" their spouses like you and in fact your dad also did.
8. Unlike you, these evangelists' children did not have an assured spot in LEF power circles to be voted in as a "president," like you were voted in. You should be thankful to your manipulative and wicked mom for working over time to prop you up.
9. Unlike you and your family who shamelessly eat LEF money without your mother or father ever having a secular job, most of these evangelists and their wives were made to go and work as teachers, watchmen, cleaners, waiters even though they were full-time workers of LEF.
10. Unlike you, who never had to bother about paying the huge hospital bills for your father (who had multiple health complications for more than 30 years prior to his death), these evangelists' children had to pay for their parents' medical bills. Go and ask Mr. Prasanna Kumar (who was in LEF as a full-time worker from his 20s) how much money LEF gave to cover the medical expenses resulting from his serious illness.
11. Unlike your parents who get to live in the houses bought with LEF money till their death, many of these evangelists have been systematically driven out from their centers once they crossed sixty years of age.
12. Unlike you, who did not have to bother to financially support your old parents (how can you? you and your family are sitting with begging bowls to eat LEF money that your mother generously gives you from LEF treasury), these LEF evangelists' children had to provide for their parents in their old age. 
Seeing that their parents were exploited by LEF, evangelists' children did indeed go in to a mode of self -preservation to ensure that they never  fall into the hands of unscrupulous people such as you, your mom and Immanuel Chakravarthy. To add insult to this injury of LEF evangelists being exploited, your wicked mom brings in Immanuel Chakravarthy to loot and plunder and make a mockery of the years of toil of LEF evangelists and their families. Your mom did not stop there but proceeded with giving unrestricted access to Immanuel Chakravarthy to the women working in LEF schools and other LEF outfits. 
John Daniel, you can scream till your lungs give up but that is not going shake a leaf any more!!! You need to "build your team" with high school drop outs, incompetent and good for nothing people who know for sure that they cannot survive in the outside world. What you now have with you are  lame men and women who use LEF as crutch. 
There are too many holes for John Daniel to fill to stop the LEF ship from sinking. It is not too much longer before this sinking ship will disappear in the deep seas. Only fools try to build a secure cabin in a sinking ship. It doesn't matter how secure the cabin might feel but a ship that is sinking will take down everything with it, including the secure cabin. In fact, being in a secure cabin in a sinking ship will completely eliminate the chance of a person ever being rescued when the ship is sunk. If someone is out on the deck, they might have a fighting chance of being noticed when the ship makes it to the bottom to get rescued.