Wednesday, January 21, 2015

This is an email sent to While we take information like this with a grain of salt, these kind of stories are too serious to be dismissed as rumors…

Another incident in the LEF H.Q.  A guy named ABC had an affair with a girl from Andhra and also taken her to the room and finished everything with her. Then when he was caught he just said that they were talking with each other. But, the girl said that he did everything to her and that she would marry only him. Knowing this Lily Daniel said- “no, you can't marry her, I have got another girl for you  in Bhansi and you have to marry her, you run away for some time and then go and get married to her (the one in Bhansi) somewhere. How atrocious is this???? I was shocked and my hands and feet turned chill hearing's high time for some serious action legally.