Wednesday, November 04, 2015


Our dear budding editor madam,
We hear you are taking up the not only daunting but daring act of finishing the autobiography of your late husband to be titled as "CARRIED BY EVERLASTING ARMS."
We, the LEF whistleblowers see YOU as the curse to LEF. You have caused and are is still causing anguish, trauma and grief to many LEF members and families. We are waiting to see your scholarly aptitude to re-write the history of LEF by adding, deleting and editing the contents of your husband's autobiography in which he wrote about various individuals who were part of his team. We wonder how you are going to re-write the whole book to project just YOU and YOUR late husband as the only two team members of the glorious LEF team (this is ofcourse according to your own good for nothing daughter who lacks the basic dressing mannerisms to get on LEF stages). We would like to see how you will edit the 9 th chapter of the book titled " Labours in Germany and Ireland." By the way, this also happens to be the chapter in which your late husband spoke very highly of his sister, Kamala Paul. Now that you have exiled Kamala Paul and Whitson Paul and driven Kamala to madness, we are just curious to see how you will delete this entire chapter from the book. Here is the excerpt from the book that refers to Mrs. Kamala Paul's contribution to German ministry. Looks like your some what intuitive husband knew that you are a vile, vicious, vindictive and manipulative monster. No wonder, he ensured that the manuscript of his original document is out there for people to access. Without further due, here we release the excerpt...
Chapter 9
Labours in Germany and Ireland

There were many who had been blessed in the earlier meetings in Germany at various centres of the Aidlingen sisters. Wherever we went, we were received with warmth and expectation for a word from the Lord. Even at the first meeting that I addressed, I met one who told me that she had been delivered by the Lord years earlier, when I had prayed for her. She had been a terrible thief, stealing from shops, houses and from every place where she had worked in. I recalled that since she had had no money to begin making her restitutions, I had taken the unusual step of giving her a small sum of money and had asked her to begin to make whatever restitution she needed to make. Yet another person told me how she had been awakened at my earlier meetings and following that when Bro. Whitson preached in that place, she had come through to the Lord.
While preaching in the Stuttgart area, I always resided at the centre of the Aidlingen sisters. I was told one morning that there were visitors to see me. It was two young ladies, one of whom I had met a few years earlier, when I addressed a youth group consisting of university students. At that time Gertrude had been one of the co-ordinators of that small camp, as a staff member of the Inter-varsity Fellowship. Her husband, Hans Dieter Papst, was one of my earliest acquaintances, from the time when I first preached at the Retreat centre of the deaconesses in the Black Forest, during my first visit to Germany. As a young engineering student, he seemed to seize every opportunity to hear God’s Word. The other visitor was Hans Dieter’s youngest sister, Ulrike Papst. Both these young ladies had got quite close to my sister, Kamala, during her stint in Germany, where as a physicist, she underwent some advanced training at Max Planck Institute. They had both been challenged and blessed by her life. They then experienced a definite work of God’s Spirit and had set their hearts on doing God’s will in their lives.
After a time of fellowship, we could see that their coming  had  more significance than a mere social visit. As an upshot of our meeting, it was agreed that I should preach at a few meetings arranged by them, amongst people known to them.
Hans Dieter and his wife, Gertrude, who were then resident at Schriesheim, gathered some friends whom I addressed. Ulrike, who was an elementary school teacher in a small village by the name of Rott, also arranged a meeting in this village with its great preponderance of Catholic inhabitants. Quite a number of people attended this meeting.
Much progress in post-war reconstruction and development had been taking place in Germany and the ‘economic miracle’ which had taken place under Chancellor Adenaur and his brilliant finance minister, Ludwig Erhard, had brought a new burst of wealth and economic well-being to the land. Now this wrought many changes in society too. As goods and possessions increased, the hunger for God’s Word had begun to wane. Godly people told me that soon after the War, when the German people had hardly anything to even subsist on and were passing through times of great want and deprivation, there was considerable hunger for the Word of God amongst them. But now the growing materialism and prosperity in the land was already hardening the hearts of many and blunting their desire for God.
Notwithstanding all that was written in the press to the contrary, my earlier observation that there was a tender spot in the hearts of many Germans for the Lord Jesus was still true. When He was presented to them in the power of God’s Spirit, many would respond with great warmth and yearning for inward peace. Even those who assumed lofty airs to begin with and appeared to put up an impenetrable front, proved to be those whose pomposity quickly melted away, before the fire of God’s Word. As I prayed with them, many of them would break down and dissolve in tears.
Some well-known Christian leaders in Germany were wont to declare emphatically that God would not bless Germany, seeing that as a nation they had been responsible for the horrible atrocities that were perpetrated upon the Jews. Further, when the ‘deportation’ and the mass murder of millions of these unfortunate Jews were taking place, few German voices were raised against Hitler and his policies. When this sentiment was expressed to me, I said, “Yes, their sin of relentlessly exterminating millions of Jews was no ordinary crime. Moreover the sin of the ‘silent majority’ who meekly permitted this gross genocide was great; yet God in His mercy can move again in revival. God could bring multitudes of men and women to repentance, even here in Deutschland.”
Now I began to see that my anguish, prayer and repeated labours of a few days or a couple of weeks, once a year or after even longer intervals, was by no means leading people to any depth of commitment to Jesus, nor turning them into true disciples. It was no doubt true that as they sat under my preaching, tears coursed down their cheeks and they confessed their sins and many changes did take place in their lives, but alas, the rising tides of worldliness and sin around them were quickly weakening the people and their pursuit of godliness. God began to burden me at this point that it was high time to begin regular retreats which would extend from four to seven days, when those touched in the earlier meetings could be led deeper and fed with the Word of God.
While I was labouring here, a pressing invitation came to me to go over to preach in Ireland at the Killadeas Camp meetings. When the Lord showed me that it was His will that I should go over to Ireland, I found that I simply had no money to buy my tickets to London and then to Belfast. After the family had gone to bed, I continued in prayer. The Lord assured me that it was just His usual manner of working to send help practically in the last minute. The same proved to be the case in the morning, when I was given the mail which was waiting for me. In one of those envelopes I found the money that would cover my fares to London. Thus with a heart overflowing with praise, I set out.
At the London airport I found that being the height of the tourist season, there was no vacancy in a flight to Belfast. There was a long waiting list of thirty-two people standing-by to catch a plane to Belfast. I enquired whether any special flights would be put on to clear the waiting list. I was told that there seemed to be no such possibility.
The next morning I decided to be very early in the line. But at the airport I found that people had started to line up even by 3.30 in the morning. As I waited around, waiting to see what God would do, suddenly the announcement was made that a special flight would soon leave and I was put on that flight.
With what joy the people at Killadeas received me. Back in 1960, during the special prayer conference which I had addressed, God had poured out of His Spirit and oh, how the people were moved by God in prayer. I found the same spirit resting upon several of these dear people, as rested upon men and women in the revival in India. Now immediately after that prayer conference, the big convention had followed at which we had witnessed signal visitations from the Lord. Nearly the whole audience responded to the call to full submission and dedication to the Lord, after I had preached the final sermon of the convention.
At this present convention at Killadeas, Rev. Duncan Campbell and Leonard Ravenhill, besides a well-known Bible teacher from Swansea, Rev. Aeian Jones, were the speakers. When I joined them, the convention was moving towards its climax. The Lord in His mercy would give me the word just needed for the people every time I preached. It was decided by the organizers of the convention that several of the final meetings were to be addressed by me.

Before the convention closed, the organizers brought to me the request that I should be the main speaker at the next convention. I for one enjoyed listening to these men of God, whom I greatly loved and respected. In fact, I sought to learn all I could, from their extensive knowledge and wide experience. Despite their fame and notable gifts, I found these speakers to be deeply humble men. In fact it was a humbling sight to me to see the well-known Rev. Duncan Campbell sitting right up in one of the front pews drinking in all that I was preaching.