Monday, March 02, 2015


We are hearing the lady head of LEF got into a frenzy when she saw our earlier post on the Piano purchase and the honorarium paid to LEF workers. 
Lady head, can you explain the following about the policies in LEF?
1. How are evangelists supposed to feed their kids, educate their kids, conduct the marriages of their kids if LEF does not pay them salaries and demands that all the money put in the offering be sent to HQ? Worse still is, if some faithful people give some money out of their free will to the evangelists, you blast the evangelist and call them as thieves and you will call the people in who gave the evangelist the money and tell them to put all the money in the offering and not give it to evangelists and spoil their faith. What conspiracy is this?  
2. Can you explain how you and your children ate everything that was put in the offering bags in Ooty, Conoor, Kotagiri and Coimbatore when you lived with your children in Conoor? Why did you not allow the workers in these places to send the money to HQ and instead told them to give it to you. In fact, you promptly sent brothers from Conoor every Monday to bring the offering money to you in Conoor? What happened to your faith? Why did you and your children act like gluttons and eat God's money? Is it because you and your children have bigger stomachs to loot and eat than the stomachs of poor evangelists who are famished and starved while doing God's work because they have to send the money to you or to the HQ?
3. How did you and your children get missionary status for your children to go to Hebron School? Probably yours is the only family that claims to have sent missionaries from India to America. Is it not how you schemed to Americanize your kids to transport them to US? Which of your 5 children has risen to become a missionary? You managed to raise selfish and greedy children who are mere consumers whose slogan seems to be - "give me this, give me that, buy me a resort, buy a luxury car, buy me a top notch piano to show off my skills...
4. Does your youngest daughter, the newest member of the board need a chauffeur driven car to drive to sweat out and burn out the fat? Give her a broomstick and let her sweep the head quarters compound. That way she will get the added advantage of getting in shape while getting the blessing from God for doing something tangible in God's house.
5. Also, do you claim that LEF workers and evangelists are like dogs which will chew on the bones that you throw at them while you are looting LEF in day light? Please take note that the days of those faithful dogs are over. We now have new breed of bull dogs in LEF, whose bite will be as strong as their bark. 
What a kind of rogue family is this which has sucked out and still continues to suck out the blood of hard working evangelist who use their sweat and blood to build LEF centers?
Also, we hear that you went into rage and showed your wrath that Daniel Mani did not secure your fraud accounts. May be the whistle blowers have a planted an informant to expose your fraud? After all this is the whole trick you employed and still employ. You have directed people to tap phones and you have one of your stooges working around with a digicam? Check out and see if there is a black sheep in your midst who may be leaking the "classified" information... Madam, we will soon beat you hollow in your own game...

Dear Lady head, how much honorarium do you pay to Daniel Mani for taking care of LEF accounts? If you paid Rs.200/- to ordinary workers, our guess would be that you would have been magnanimous and paid Daniel Mani Rs.1000/-. Wow, that is pretty generous - you are paying him five times as much as you pay to your ordinary workers. So, in your convoluted logic, you may be thinking- "I pay Daniel Mani five times as much. So, he has to work 5 times harder to secure all the "confidential" account data of LEF. 
My dear madam, look around and see the life styles of your most trusted partners in crime. Do you think the Rs. 1000/- honorarium that you magnanimously pay them is all they are satisfied with to do the dirty job you entrust to them - cooking up accounts, falsifying accounts? You need to learn to share your loot in an equitable manner with at least your partners in crime and document them properly so as to keep tabs on them at all times. If all you show on records is that you pay them Rs.1000/- as honorarium, when the time comes to save your skin in front of Income Tax officers, these fellows will sell you for 10 paise...That is all the value that your confidants attach to you - a woman who can be sold for 10 paise because they have seen you in action slyly collecting money from rich and poor, young and old alike. These people have seen how greedy you and your family are for money and power. So, they will be the first ones to turn you in if they see fire under their feet. Already IC is walking around HQ with head raised high claiming that you cannot do anything to him as he did not leave any paper trail that can prove him guilty. 
To take care of all the dirty work that you entrust people to do, they will extract their pound of flesh from you if they have already not done that. It will be a show to watch when all of you are handcuffed and taken to jails. 
Daniel Mani, run away from all this when you still have time. This woman who is taunting you that you did not secure her fraud accounts will turn the whole thing against you if that's what she feels will save her skin.
By the way Daniel Mani, can you take a peek of this LEF account? Do you see any red flags? Are people stealing money from LEF or is stolen money making way to LEF accounts? Your expert opinion counts when you have to explain all the LEF accounts not only to laymen in LEF but also to Income tax people. Remember The Laymen's Evangelical Fellowship society did not report any of its financial reports to TN Registrar after 2002. Some of these transactions are as recent as 2104. So, you better have good explanation why you have not filed the financial documents with Registrars even though so much money was coming in and out of 
9B, Nungambakkam...