Sunday, May 24, 2015


As the circus show is coming to a sheepish end in Chennai, long-term retreat attendees will be heading home with a bad taste in their mouths. The loathsome exalting of Daniel clan (rather partial Daniel clan) made it more than clear that the villainous plans of LD have succeeded in making her dreams come true; the dreams of making JJD the one and only "crowned prince of LEF" with absolutely no opposition from any Daniel family members of either JD's generation or Daniel family members of JJD's generation. The two Daniel family members are Lydia Daniel and Caleb Daniel. Lydia Daniel, the youngest daughter is made the business partner as she is not likely to have any inheritance of her own and does not have the charisma to take over the reins from JJD and thus will not pose any threat to JJD's throne. The one other Daniel clan residue still left in LEF is the one on the keyboard who has resigned himself to be the least in the pecking order. He seems to be quite content to be in the pits so as to say as long as the pit is still part of the "glorified pulpit." Now how did LD achieve all this? This is not an overnight thing but result of her hard work in scheming and manipulating for over two decades. In the politics LD played to secure her son's place on the throne, LEF people (including evangelists) were reduced to mere pawns and puppets. 
LD, who was not a major contributor to the growth of LEF was rightfully restricted to be just the wife of JD as long as Mrs. Devanamma Daniel and Mrs. Kamala Paul were at the helm of LEF affairs. There are numerous first hand accounts of people who were close to JD's family that LD was more of a liability than an asset to JD in the expansion of LEF. There is also a huge consensus in LEF old-timers that JD moved his family to US to avoid the embarrassment caused by LD's fights with JD's family members. So, Daniel family has its own share of mother-in-law Vs daughter-in-law politics along with sister-in-law rivalry. LD, who always aspired to be the whole and sole of LEF waited like a hawk to scoop away LEF to make it her very own. JD's sickness provided a great opportunity to LD to completely manipulate and control JD, who was otherwise hard to manipulate. JD, who successfully kept LD out of LEF affairs for a very long time, couldn't shut her out once his health took a toll. LD slyly sold the dream of making JJD the apparent heir of LEF to JD quite well and JD, who did not see LD as his partner in LEF affairs, slowly let her in to take control of LEF affairs. JJD was the obvious choice of LD as he was and is the little mama's boy who will always toe the line that LD sets. All in the name of avoiding stressful encounters, LD made sure that JD was completely isolated from the actual happenings in LEF. Meanwhile, Mrs. KP and her cohorts saw that the ground under them was shifting and dreaded the thought of JJD succeeding to the throne. KP's desperation to block out JJD from becoming LEF head made her to do some extreme things. As unfortunate as it is, KP tried to make her niece's husband who is now in Germany the LEF head and to this effect she tried to chang the constitution of LEF board. LD who by then had cultivated her own stooges in Madras had this information of KP trying to change the board just in time for JD to come and take over. JD with her beloved son JJD landed in India on war footing and completely dissolved the board and kicked KP and her cohorts out. This change put LEF on golden platter and handed it over to LD. Now the villainess LD started her draconian rule in LEF. LD's pets and stooges were appointed as key players in LEF. IC the chief stooge was unanimously appointed as the Finance member of LEF. JD who by then had become a mere puppet in the hands of LD did not even heed to the pleadings of his old mother to reconsider his decision of replacing KP with IC. Systematically, LD placed her people in key places. People who were sympathetic to KP were either sidelined or driven out. Then came the era of corruption and bribes in LEF. Manipulation and coercion became just a way of life in LEF. IC became the power house LEF as he now not only had the full blessings of LD but also became the think-tank of LEF. IC became the confidant to JD and LD and he along with his wicked cohorts ensured that JD was completely kept in dark about all the evil happenings in LEF. For the last 15 years or so, JD was just a rubber stamp. Letters and emails were all forged. Signatures on crucial documents were forged. Thanks to LD - she successfully degraded LEF operations to the operations of  a brothel house. Whatever helped in the broad scheme of crowning JJD as the prince of LEF was the one that took precedence over any welfare of people. JJD and junior LD were the two dull heads to whom LD sold the dream of becoming price and princess of LEF kingdom. The oldest daughter who was always at logger heads with the mother did not succeed in breaking the unholy relationship of LD with IC. Since Betty and James cried foul to IC's involvement in both family and LEF matters, both of them were shut out from the family. Clearly LD chose IC over her own children. KP who played a major role in LEF operations did what all she could to get back at LD. One of KP's major achievements was ensuring that JD was shut out of Germany and also to some extent out of Canada. Eventually KP resigned to her fate and maintained a low key and was made to stay from LEF operations. While LD did not see any major threat to her beloved son JJD from KP and her cohorts, she was ill-advised by IC that the threat to JJD was her own daughter Betty. LD knows that Betty, who is any day more talented the pigeon head will be a threat to her son's throne. As lucky as LD is, the opportunity presented to her just in time to seal the fate of Betty in LEF months before the death of JD. The letter that we published on our last post was the last nail in the coffin of Betty's fate in LEF. While there is a lot of speculation of whether or not JD actually wrote that letter, the letter was the best trump card LD and IC played against Betty. Now Betty unlike KP is not willing to resign to her fate but is actively promoting herself as the true legacy of her charismatic dad. So, now the Daniel family drama has become a soap opera for the whole world to watch.
After all the trouble LD had gone through to make JJD the king to the throne, Betty in her TV show has out performed her pigeon head brother and JJD is paling off in comparison to her dynamic big sister. We need to see what's the next card LD will play. Is there any other mom out there in the wide world who will so shamelessly pitch her own children against each other? If this woman can hurt her own flesh and blood so badly, it is anybody's guess as to how cruelly she would have hurt others in LEF.