Friday, January 08, 2016


Dear friends, what should be a public document that should be available to all LEF people, the bye-laws and constitution of LEF is the best kept secret in LEF. We finally managed to lay our hands on this. Please pardon the poor picture quality as this is the best we can get.


  1. This is completely in opposition to the biblical description of a New Testament church.

    In fact I would go so far as to say that Joshua Daniel's manipulations revealed in this document, and still exercised in real life, bear comparison with Hitler's creation of what became Nazi Germany.

  2. This document mirrors the intentions and practices of every evil cult leader masquerading as a 'religious leader'.

    Almost every nation has produced them.

    Such hirelings would destroy the work of Christ if God were not sovereign. Nevertheless, how can any true believer willingly support LEF now?

  3. wonderful WB & thanks to you for this great effort to throw light on the sick mind of lef. This doc reveals that JD had craving for power & he never wanted to be a feet washing Christian. This document is a replica of a firm controlled and owned by a family in real world. so this lef is founded by greed, covetousness, fear & power.
    dear lef folks, as usual shut your eyes to the truth and pray to god & god will deliver you. that's what preached to you by your blind leaders all along right?

  4. How many people are "members"? How does one become a "member"?

  5. Am wondering how John Daniel can be the 'Senior Consultant' at Daniel Consulting, Northville, MI, when there are no other 'consultants'. Well, nobody else at all working there. Perhaps no actual profits, other than the untaxed donations from LEF stalwarts. 'So who needs to work, anyway?', thinks John......

    Probably John became Senior Consultant in the same way that he became Vice-President of General Motors; his dad, the economical-with-the-truth Joshua Daniel, wrote John's CV. A fitting legacy.....

    Meanwhile Betty Daniel is about to sell her healing powers to her family caste-members in deepest South India. Her partner-in-profit, an equally obscure, self-styled 'pastor' person, has the dubious history of being coached by the same hireling who coached Benny Hinn, the well-publicised scam-monger who has been exposed time and time again as a fake.

    Will Betty be shipping out her refrigerator (the one she spectacularly 'healed' recently) as one of her healing power credentials? Perhaps her solitary credential......

    Looks like your real estate business is about as profitable as your brother's questionable 'consultancy' firm, Betty. However, unlike John, you can no longer live off the ill-gotten gains of your father's business, LEF....... but the next best thing is trying to cash in on his reputation in a region where he is known (and becoming increasingly and rightfully notorious, thanks to the Whistleblowers and Suniemi!). You have already been practising this strategy of nepotism on the modest Indian TV channel that is naive enough to broadcast your embarrassingly tearful outpourings.

  6. Mr/Ms.Fake, we were wondering why we didn't hear from anybody so far saying all of this was fake and it is all our figment of imagination. If you know that this is fake, it is logical to conclude that you know what the original is. Can you please do the readers a favour by sending the original to

  7. Fake Jan. 11. 32am

    You are quite right in saying that God will judge every act. Please make sure your friends the Daniel family are aware of this.

    The document is not fake. Neither have its contents been wrongly interpreted. Wishful thinking on your part, perhaps? Or just your feeble attempt to conceal the unpalatable truth?

  8. This document may not be fake because every organization should have some kind of rule book and based on the first page it should be after July 17th 1996 (Madras name changed to Chennai), may be this document is not valid (some listed are deceased) as it would have been revised now. I hope some of the center leaders have access to current document. I like WB's reply, LEF should consider publishing constitution in their website or at least to their regular attenders. I was blessed and found Jesus (Truth) by LEF ministries and it's really personal to me and no one can question my personal feeling at the same time if LEF didn't like my "STANDING FOR TRUTH" as I accept genuine questions asked in this site, then it makes me think LEF even will not accept God saved me from my SIN. I strongly encourage LEF to have their own blog page at their website to answer some of genuine questions asked in this website and be transparent and please don't say you are just accountable to God. I wish soon LEF would publish their staff/leadership directory. Many times i've seen after people start attending LEF they would stop attending or supporting other missionary ministries or main line church and just blame on their operation with out understanding how they are operating.

    1. Sin what sin. Many have no idea of the wicked lfe of the so called fellowship supporters who call themselves in close circle of the top. There is nothing left in the criminal list. But they have so much burden about the old time religeon missing now avdays. But tgeir lives show as if they never read bible. But they claim they are big in LEF. If you follow bible you will not valued in That is the truth in many families.

    2. Anonymous 11 Jan 12.23 pm

      Your relationship with Jesus, if you are truly His forgiven child, has nothing to do with LEF, or the current evils associated with it. God can use the most unlikely ways to speak to people, and He sometimes does! Some have even come to know Him through initial contact with cults like the Jehovah Witnesses. Jeremiah tells us that God says, ''You will find me when you seek me with all your heart'. It doesn't matter what LEF people think of you, spiritually. If you have repented and believed, you belong to Jesus forever, not to LEF, a man-made organisation. I wish that others would realise this. So many seem to think that being a Christian is the same thing as being an LEF attender. It isn't. No child of God should feel loyalty to a group which has so clearly gone astray, just because God may have used that group at some point in his/her spiritual journey. After all God used both a Pharaoh and a donkey to bring about His will.........

      Thanks for your refreshing post. It's good to know that some LEF people still have the ability to think and reason independently!

  9. Anonymous January 11, 2016 12:23 PM, thanks for pointing this out that this constitution must be after July 17th 1996 (Madras name changed to Chennai). Wow, that opens up even more bigger can of worms. Looking at the verbiage of this document and knowing the circumstances that lead to the drafting of this constitution, it seems very likely that Immanuel Chakravarthy is the brain behind this new constitution. These bye-laws may have been put in place after removing Kamala Paul from the scene. That explains a lot!!! It explains why the Finance member was given such a big role and why the Principal Secretary was given power to appoint a person of his "choice" as a Finance member without consulting other board members. Oh gosh, this scandal of LEF runs deeper than we can comprehend. LEF people, go figure now!!!

  10. Yes.. Thanks to you WB..
    I am grandson of prayer warriors(not like the present daniles), warriors means they just get lifted up into air and moved to the other side of river or canal when there is no availability of traditional raft or small Woody boat, or could plead with god and stop a person from dying,and also raise a dead person, everything only through the power of Christ, such praying people told me about LEF, at the time of their need in the early days of their conversion, they don't know where to attend prayer regularly, and GOD spoke to them saying ""go attend so and so church belonging to N. Daniel, this is the fellowship that I have established and it will stand till the second coming of JESUS ""

    I wonder what happened to such good GOD given testimony of Lef, and according to what I come to know from Wb Now I got the answer, who destroyed and how they did it..

    I have been reading all WB posts and comments from the day it started, from that day on I have attended many other churches and came to know many things of GOD which lef simply ignores..

    And I have also observed some lef preachers are only hungry for money, even many heathen are Good in their social work, but some of these lef people never stretch their hands to help..

    Now after knowing truths through WB, I myself refrained from attending their youthcamps and retreats..

    Any one who is interested please translate these posts into Tamil and Telugu also.. Because many innocent sheep are ignorant of these English posts..

    1. Anonymous jan 11 at 10.23pm

      Your post is very interesting and encouraging. One of the many problems with LEF is that there is no Biblical guidance about the subject of guidance! Therefore anyone who wants their opinion to be respected can say that the Lord told them to do this, or that, and anyone who questions their so-called 'guidance' is thought to be 'unspiritual' or 'rebellious'.

      LEF people talk about 'The Lord gave me this verse, or that verse', and it simply means that a certain verse may have come into their mind at a certain time, maybe even when they are praying. However if a verse comes into your mind, it can be for all sorts of reasons - most likely because you are familiar with the Scriptures, and a verse may seem to be connected with a situation that you are in.

      Verses coming into your mind is not, by itself, a proof of guidance. The context of that verse must be thoroughly explored, because it is easy to take a verse out of its context and distort it to mean anything you want it to mean.

      In addition you need to understand the theological principles which underlie the Bible. If you think God is 'guiding' you to do something which contradicts basic Biblical principles, then He isn't! Unfortunately Biblical principles are not taught in LEF, probably because the people who claim to teach others, and most of all Joshua Daniel, have never been taught themselves. Also, Biblical principles about how a church should operate would endanger Joshua (and now John) Daniel's assumed authority and position. Their preaching was/is just over-long rambling on about the congregation's sins. It was/is unstructured and ignorant. Joshua relied a lot on a theatrical manner of delivery, and the fact that he inherited his father's position (which itself was eventually unbiblical); he also knew that people had been 'programmed' to listen to him uncritically, and give him blind obedience. What he lacked spiritually, he made up for in worldly cunning. John is simply inept and boring. We do not even know that they were truly born again - Jesus said 'know them by their fruits'! The blind cannot lead the blind, except into more confusion. LEF is not the only organisation calling itself a 'church' which is largely based on error. That is why truly godly pastors always urge their sheep to study for themselves, and encourage them to ask questions and engage in discussion with them. Joshua Daniel never did this, and his henchmen are instructed to prevent any discussions they encounter amongst those who attend LEF meetings, often by saying things like 'you must not question God's anointed' (by whom they mean Joshua Daniel, but in fact this is blasphemy, because 'God's Anointed' is Jesus Christ, and no-one else); they also claim that healthy discussion, the kind of discussion that we read about in the Bible in the early church, such as that between Paul and Peter in Galatians 1, will only produce negative effects and disunity. That is how, for example, one of the European centres is run. Its 'leader' is totally deceived by Joshua Daniel, and is incapable of considering the man he admires so much objectively, in the light of reality and of Scriptural principles. Therefore he gets upset if anyone questions the understanding or opinion of Joshua Daniel, or the way he dominated LEF. He has been known to say 'It is his Fellowship', meaning Joshua Daniel's!

      Thank you for your concern for the truth, and your willingness to stand up for it, even though your grandfather and probably other family members are LEF supporters.

      The young people must take the lead in exposing the wickedness of LEF. It is hard for the older ones to see the truth after a lifetime of brainwashing and dependency on the Daniel regime.

      Let us hope that someone is able to help with Tamil and Telegu.

  11. Nothing is going to change in the way things have been going on for years.

    1. Anon Jan 12 12.20pm

      This is why people should stop attending LEF meetings and stop giving any money of property to LEF. If nobody is involved in LEF except the people who are profiting from LEF, they can limit their scams and bullying to each other, and everyone else can find or form another Christian group and live in peace.

      I think that would be a big change!

  12. It would be good if WB could provide a list of LEF Workers who are not paid for their sustenance. Those who read these posts could make a difference by sending their tithes and offerings directly to those who are out in the mission field and are truly suffering financially, instead of putting their tithes in the offering bag of the lef.

    1. Problem is, LEF workers are working for a corrupt organisation, the biblical house made of sand, not a missionary venture. No good giving money to prop up a house made of sand, or acting as a 'missionary' for it! Better not to 'touch the unclean thing', but to 'come ye out from among them and be ye separate', as Jesus commanded.

  13. "Stop attending LEF", it more sounds to be a hate or confused decision. Someone stealing or immoral life of leaders should not make me decide if i have to stay or leave. In the world there are lot of immoral and stealing leaders so we can’t just decide to leave a country or 'EARTH'!!!.

    I really like the caption word used in RZIM ministries "Let my People think", we should encourage and enlighten people to understand church history and the creeds used in main line Indian churches with enough Bible reference and help people to seek the things above not just in their words. I strongly believe particular church or person should not decide my walk with Jesus.

    Encourage this group to write with Bible reference and enlighten people and not just stop just expose LEF's operation.

    People have to Follow Jesus as he promises to make us Fishers of Men. Every Church or organization has such issues and we can’t control. I am not trying to turn your focus rather requesting "Make People Think and Understand Bible" Holy Spirit is the only person can teach us about Jesus !!!. Please do something in that aspect as well, i will also help in that process.

    1. Anon. 12 Jan 3pm

      The reason for stopping attending LEF is because it is not a church in the biblical sense. True Christians must not be seen to associate themselves with false teaching and people who use the name of Christ to promote their own personal power or profit.

      In a real church there would be a well-established and biblical means of removing false teachers or hirelings. It would be the decision of the membership. However in LEF there is no membership and no such means, which was a deliberate move of Joshua Daniel to keep himself and his family in unbiblical power.

      In the absence of such means to purify fhis false church, true believers have no option but to abandon it. We are not talking about people who merely attend the meetings here, and could be disciplined (if LEF had a set of biblical church rules, which it has not), but about people who have put themselves in overall charge of the souls and spiritual welfare of others. They are spoken of throughout the Bible as false prophets, hirelings. Most of Jude's epistle is about them. Jesus often warned against them (as in John 10).

      If you and others have the power to eject the Daniels and all of their henchmen, and afterwards build a real church on biblical principles, then do it! However this has not happened in the 80 years of LEF's existence, and Joshua Daniel has made it legally impossible at present for anyone else except him or his successor to use any of the LEF buildings, or appoint any other leadership. Please read the document, or bye-laws, copied as a blog elsewhere on the Whistleblower site, which demonstrates this very clearly.

      The advice to abandon LEF is not given out of hate or confusion. It is the obvious solution. If there are no ordinary worshippers, there can be no LEF, and no evil leaders. No, you cannot leave the world, and in fact the Bible tells Christians to be 'in the world but not of the world'. But you are at liberty to leave an evil organisation operating under the name of Jesus Christ. There are alternative places of worship, but as you rightly say, each person must study the Bible for himself, so that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit he knows what to look for.

      Yes, we are to be 'fishers of men', but if any man takes the bait of the Gospel, and we then bring him into an evil organisation, we are doing him a great disservice, and God will hold us accountable for that new believer's spiritual welfare.

    2. Personally I would be very happy to quit the lef but my husband has threatened to send me out of the house if I do not attend. He is an important lef preacher. The 2 themes I've never heard him preach about are God's love and loving others. I suppose its because he is bitter and does not even talk to any of my relatives and family members. I do not know what to do.I'm sure no lef member is available or approachable or understanding.hubby's always preaching, never at homeeven for Christmas or new year.never attends any family functions like family get to gethers, birthday parties etc.thinks he is v.v. spiritual.I do not know what to do. All my relatives are Godly people but they go to other churches.

    3. Almost 80% of the people still in LEF feels happy to leave but bounded by 15% preachers and singers, rest of the 5% are the new innocent entries to the LEF. At least encourage the new comers not to come LEF. That is the only thing you can do by increasing the percentage of quitters.

    4. Dear Mrs. X

      I am so sorry to read of your dilemma in your post. There seem to be many married ladies in your position who are being bullied by husbands who have been brainwashed by LEF. One such lady posted on the 'Understand the Truth (Suniemi)' website last year. Her husband was keeping her a virtual prisoner, without other Christian fellowship, in her home. She is very lonely.

      In some countries your husband's treatment of you would be grounds for divorce. It would be categorised as long-term abuse. It is difficult to see how anyone could love such a bully, and needlessly absentee husband and father, but probably you have children, and that complicates the situation. It may be that some of these men who have been made into self-important 'preachers', mimicking Joshua Daniel's unbiblical style and content, are actually insecure and unhappy underneath all their LEF-praising posturing. Perhaps he, too, is afraid of going against LEF, but can't admit it - or maybe he can now only define himself as a man through LEF approval. Why would a man threaten to throw out his wife for not supporting the same organisation that he does? Even if LEF were to be a truly Christian group, which it most certainly is not in terms of the teachings of its leadership, where does your husband find biblical authority for trying to force you to attend its meetings? Where in the Bible is authority given to a husband to make his wife attend any one church group? Only cults try to insist that people attend their services and no other. Of course it is better for the family if all go to the same church, but if a husband insists on allowing himself to be dominated by a cultish, unbiblical group, God does not expect his wife to take part in his folly. Also, as mother you are responsible for the spiritual welfare of any younger children you may have, and that will not be best served by putting them under cultish influences.

      If you have a supportive family, perhaps you could give him an ultimatum , that you yourself will leave the household if he does not stop this kind of emotional bullying, and allow you to worship where you believe it is appropriate and right.

      Is it not true that LEF frowns on its preachers who cannot 'control their families'? Maybe he would be afraid of LEF disapproval if you left him? Maybe it would affect his position?

      Something else that occurs to me is that there may well be enough unhappy LEF wives in your area for you to get together, share your experiences, pray about your situations, and if possible explore ways of improving them.

      I think that the Whistleblowers might be able to help you ladies to be in contact with each other. Whistleblowers have a dedicated email which anyone can write to in confidence. There may be a way of putting you in touch with each other, at least online.

      Let's see if Whistleblowers have any suggestions. There is an old saying, 'The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world '; the place of women in Bible history is of significant importance. It is true that God has designated Christian men to be heads of their families, mirroring Christ's relationship with His bride, the church; but if they abuse that position, or use it to try to make their wives and families participate in cultish activities, then they have forfeited that spiritual authority, and you are justified in taking steps to protect yourself and your children from the influence of false teachers.

      Meanwhile I shall pray for all of you ladies.

    5. Anonymous January 13, 2016 5:18 AM,
      These Daniels are extremely vicious rogues. We have seen too many families which have been separated because of the wicked ways of Joshua Daniel. I can give you couple of examples. A guy called Theophilus works for LEF in a place called Goa. His wife was fed up with him for all the nonsense and also being an absentee husband and dad. She got fed up with him and finally walked out with the two children. To my knowledge they are still separated. The whole of LEF knows about this. The most unfortunate part of all this that Theophilus is now exalted as a man who was more than willing to leave his wife and children to serve his master. Guys like these are totally blinded to think that the master who they are doing all this for is JESUS but in reality that wicked master was Joshua Daniel, the dead man. Being dead he still torments unlike what vile Lily Daniel boasts that being dead her husband is still speaking because some airport official told her that he remembers Joshua Daniel as a "nice man." Lily Daniel is THE WITCH who is responsible for the destruction of many families and individuals. She did all of this in partnership with her wicked husband.

    6. Some of the men who act like honest followers who are willing to sacrifice their families are actually trying to get popular themselves behind the back of their boss and make a position for themselves like their boss to control many for their beneift using LEF. One man tried and cheated many churches abroad to have a ministry for his family using LEF. Cunning foxes trying to cheat foxes they are serving. This is how saran works

    7. I can fully understand the position of Mrs X as I was exactly like Mr X for 30 years ! Thank God I came to my senses and left LEF 5 years ago and since then we are a HAPPY & BLESSED family !!

    8. Anon 13 Jan. 6.39pm

      This is an encouraging testimony. I hope many Mr. Xs out there read it and realise that there is abundant spiritual and family life outside of the brutal stranglehold of LEF. It just takes a bit of courage and honesty to make the break. Be men, not puppets!

    9. Thank you Mrs X for your contacting WB ! I appreciate W B ! If only W B was there a few years ago, many families would have been saved from Lions' Den ! They preach LOVE but never encouraged love between even wife & husband !! Even parents on both sides and own siblings are evil and if you associate with them -their darkness will come upon you ! We could not show love to our own children but we were very strict with them enforcing the LAW that killed all relationships !? We were like frogs in the well, not knowing that was happening around by following the LAW at that time-"Don't have TV", "Don't have own house", "Don't try to be rich-because Jesus was soooo poor, you must be sooo poor" , "Jesus only gave that sickness to you ---We can't pray for you ---you are unworthy to receive healing --", "You are NOT saved because you didn't confess all your SINS (especially adultery, whether you committed or not) to individuals like IC or some one !! They must certify whether you are saved or not !? God may forgive you easily BUT not the elders there in L E F !?? Please don't attend any L E F meeting and go back terribly CONDEMNED wrongly because of wrong teaching there !! GOD LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALLY IRRESPECTIVE OF WHO YOU ARE & WHAT YOU HAVE DONE !! GOD SOOOOOOO LOVED YOU ---MRS X !! I appeal to you tell your X about our family and we are blessed & happy after coming out !! What a deliverance ?? Thank you W B !!

    10. After watching my the wicked lives of my so called LEF husband and his family i decided to protect my children from their demonic religen. God gave wonderful Godly people in their lives and they turned out to wonderful Godly children .vthey serve the Lord in many ways

  14. Dear WB, The people in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh are still being deceived with these LEF preachers since years. The main source of income for LEF is from these regions, there are many poor people in Andhra Pradesh who attends for LEF churches and offer their hard earned money each week. They use to travel miles to reach their LEF places. They all don't know the wickedness of this bad organization. The cult of LEF should be revealed to these village innocent people. Please do something to reach these people. At least by giving information to TV news channels.

  15. Hello LEF Preachers !!

    Have you ever seen the by-law document of LEF ? without reading this/ knowing what is written in it how you are called as LEF preacher ? Read carefully the posted documents. This is time to test yourself to your conscious. Don't try to still preserve your stage/ position leave it for God sake and start serving poor.

  16. Dear Mrs.X. You are not alone. There are many many wives go through the same . Many children feel fatherless in many families wives like widows. Lef ruin families contrary to their claims. Actually there is a man who claims very popular in LEF beat his 4 month pregnant wife and she lost the baby just for wanting to listen to another preacher. His whole family does to others. They even beat up the helpers. One lady died of heart attack because of their verbal abuse. Sounds unbelievable. But very very true. They still act like very Godly and condemn others. You stay strong. Keep your relationship with Jesus stronger. May be all these are a blessing that the abused finally completely under Gods mercy which strengthens their relationship with Jesus which is the most important. These abusers will be nothing in eternity. Just dont get bitter with God. Be encouraged. Like Moses as bible says in Hebrew. 11:25. Choosing rather to endure ill-treatment with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin. (many LEF preachers and popular husbands are saturated with sin). STAY STRONG. You are reward with the LORD is big.

  17. Dont mock the baba family. They are worse than the messenger of god baba

  18. This rogue family will beat most of the baba's in India hollow. Lily Daniel can start a training school to train con men and babas. They any way have the Beulah Garden that they can use as a training facility? How do you like the idea Lily Daniel? Lily Daniel, before you drop down dead, you must come up with this new project to get some more money because you know as much as we do that your good for nothing dumb mama's son cannot survive in India even for one day without his mummy watching over him and protecting him. John Daniel, if you are a man enough can you make one trip to India on your own without catching hold of your mummy's saree pallu and tag along. You are a big ZERO without your bully mom.

    1. Jesus'life was "love in action". Lef preachers and followers' lives are ???,

    2. Anon Jan 13 1.32pm

      John Daniel is a big zero even with his Mum!

    3. Mrs. X, thanks for commenting here. Yours is a very common story of many helpless women in LEF. As much as I hate to acknowledge it, my own mother is one such woman who is stuck between the devil and deep sea. But take courage that there surely will be an end to all this. Though my mother did not have the strength to fight the system, she made many sacrifices for us children. She was called all kinds of names to this day by these LEF mavericks ranging from proud, ungodly, a woman who destroyed her own children because she raised us children to not have anything to do with Joshua Daniel and his stooges. Though not very educated, my mother fought with all her might to keep us children far far away from these evil people. She did not allow us children to come under the influence of these LEF bullies even though my father was just like your husband if not worse. When the time came for our marriages, she stood with us children as we chose our life partners who had nothing to do with this cult. That saved us children from a lot of emotional trauma and wastage of life. Since Lily Daniel and her minions have no way blackmailing us or bullying us, either through our spouses or their families, we are able to put up a sustained fight against LEF today. All that Lily Daniel has in his hands our dad who is willing to be a puppet in her hands. LEF evil people's influence started and ended with our dad. Thanks to my mother who drew a circle around us children and did not allow anybody, including our dad to force his ways that he learnt through LEF on us. Like someone wrote here, it sure is the hand that rocks the cradle which will rule the world. My sincere advice to you is to shield your children from this LEF so that another generation is not under the LEF oppression. Most people in LEF are trained to be crooks and cannot think straight. Keep the communication with your family open. The biggest trick of LEF is to isolate a person from their families and friends and there by dismantle all support system to completely control and mutilate an individual. The make the world outside to people alien and slowly people will lose touch with reality. Be strong for your children and never, never throw your children under the bus to please these LEF rogues. I know exactly what you are going through. Please feel free to write to us in private at so that we can give you all the support we are able.

    4. Good words. LEF has become the best place to hide for many msny notorious criminals to hide behind religeon,church even pulpit. Imagine the hardships the mothers that have to raise the children under that kind of farhers because they are trapped. These criminals are OK with their family even if they dont belong to LEF. All the others go to hell if they can not use othem for their corruption.


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