Friday, February 05, 2016


Why is there so much resentment and opposition to the use of social media by John Daniel? 
Apparently John Daniel wanted to know how many evangelists have Facebook accounts in the recently concluded "mela" called Stuartapuram meetings. We hear that nobody raised their hand to indicate that they had an account. Not sure if John Daniel is technologically savvy to click the following links to see who are all the people that are in his immediate circle who are having Facebook accounts who may or may not have raised their hands to answer.
Here are some thoughts on the cavemen ways of John Daniel who is now holding his annual "Mela" in Hyderabad that also happens to be a hub for many Information Technology Conglomerates from all over the world. Hyderabad is a home to what is called as "Hitech City" that has become a haven for many hardworking and successful information technology professionals. I just hope that the smart and brilliant young men and women who grew up in Hyderabad LEF are not sitting in the audience to listen to this Stone Age man, John Daniel blabbering in what are now called as Hyderabad "Revival Meetings."
In this day and age, when even people in remote villages in India have access to internet and smart phones, why should Daniel family and this John Daniel in particular show resistance to use of public platforms like Facebook, Blogs, Whatsapp? 
While the whole world is exploiting technological advances for betterment of society, John Daniel wants to impose his ridiculous "stone age" mindset on people. Is John Daniel some kind of a caveman? Woe to LEF people if they are under the regime of a caveman like John Daniel because cavemen know only to use brute force to impose their ways on people. One should feel sorry for all the educated "illiterates" of LEF who have now come under the rule of this tribal leader whose mind set and thinking is nothing better than that of a caveman of the stone age. These Daniel family jokers are just a disgrace as all they are doing with their stone age mentality is insult the human intelligence, the intelligence that sets human beings apart from animals. A dog, cat, tiger, monkey or any animal for that matter is not in pursuit of its well being and hence has no desire or capability to invent and discover newer technologies or better ways to live. All that an animal needs to worry about is its survival and procreation and within its fixed tenets, an animal uses all that is in its instinct to just survive and procreate. But we human beings are set apart because we strive for more than just survival. This pursuit for some thing more than survival is the driving force behind human innovation. The huge technological advances we have seen in the space of information sharing have given rise to one of the best known tools to man in the field of information technology. The use of internet to communicate, share and to connect with people from all walks of life and across the globe is a boon to human society. Every forward looking business, religious group, community and individual is using any and all platforms available in the field of information technology to enhance their processes and methods of communication to reach out to the "unreached." Only people who are involved in nefarious activities are afraid of open platforms such as Facebook, blogs, whatsapp etc. It may be of interest to know that only regimes of evil dictators were/are against people connecting through social media as it threatened/threatens their very existence. Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Mohammad Qaddafi of Libya, Kim Jong-Un of North Korea are some prominent dictators who are known to oppose the use of public platforms in thier regimes. Why should John Daniel feel so threatened when people in LEF use these tools? That in itself should ring a huge alarm bell to people who are still stuck in this rotten LEF. How long will John Daniel use his unintelligent and brute ways to control people? People are not idiots like he is thinking. If nobody raised his hand when John Daniel asked the question as to who all have FB accounts, we cannot automatically assume that people were scared of this joker and that's why they didn't raise their hands. It simply means that people find his "nonsense" to be so irrelevant that they don't find a reason to be involved with his so called "preaching" and actively participate in his question and answer sessions. For heaven's sake, these evangelists are grown men and what makes this poor joker John Daniel think that they will all raise their hands as some "school children" when he asks such stupid questions? We have been in classrooms where an unprepared and unintelligent teacher like John Daniel makes a fool of himself/herself in front of the students and the students just sit there totally bored and uninvolved looking at their watches to see when it is time to get out of the class. That may be what exactly must have happened in these so called "evangelists" meetings. All that those evangelists would have done is "ignore" this joker when he asked them to raise their hands. John Daniel, an idiot that he is, may want to believe that people are "terrified" of him, while all that these poor evangelists are trying to do is ignore this buffoon. 
A keen eye can observe that even the very people whom John Daniel promotes on LEF stages subtly under play John Daniel and his "leadership." Go back to retreat archives and see how Mr. Priyanath refers to this joker while introducing him to come on stage to "preach" All he says is "now JOHN (not JOAN, Mr. Priyanath, who is a London return knows his English well) will speak to us." He doesn't add all these ornate introduction such as Bro. John Daniel, Man of God Mr. John Daniel, Prophet John Daniel or not even Mr. John Daniel." All he says is - John will speak to you. Plain and simple...That in itself should tell that the very people whom this Daniel family uses on their platforms despise this fool John Daniel in their hearts but are just going though the motions to get through these circus shows.This buffoon John Daniel will not last long in India if all his "preaching" is focused on making monkey noises and clown faces.


  1. What does this corrupt family has to hide? LEF people have to wake up

  2. Just a little reminder to WB readers:

    Lily Daniel had a Facebook account until last year.

    She posted fairly recent pictures of herself and Joshua Daniel, and of herself alone.

    She also posted that she had got a lot of 'swag' (swag is an old-fashioned term for what people steal).

    You can read about this on an earlier WB post. It was only after WB publicly drew attention to Lily Daniel's Facebook account that she deleted it. Obviously she was not overcome with remorse that she had had a Facebook account, despite her husband JD's preaching against it. After all, he must have known about it, as did her children. No, she was simply annoyed that on this blog we exposed it and made fun of her stupidity in boasting about having got 'lots of swag', bearing in mind that that is exactly what she and the other Daniels have been doing for decades.

    LEF is riddled with such hypocrisy. Get out while you still have a little self-respect.

  3. From time to time it is posted here that there are still godly evangelists in LEF who seek to do their best for the people they are meant to be leading locally.

    Contrastingly there are godly men who held 'responsible' positions in LEF ( having a 'responsible' position in LEF is now, sadly, having both feet on the 'broad path that leads to destruction') who have not hesitated to challenge the increasingly corrupt Joshua Daniel, and have abruptly left LEF when their efforts to clean up the dirt have been ignored or rejected. Mr. Sathy is one such, who, unlike Lot's wife, never looked back once he 'shook the dust (of LEF and the Daniels) off his feet' many years ago. He graciously allowed some of his related correspondence to Immanuel Chakravarthy to be copied on to this blog, in order to help others to have the courage to denounce and abandon the LEF 'synagogue of Satan', as it has now become.

    So much more corruption has been exposed here (thanks to the internet, which understandably strikes such fear into the corrupt, cowardly hearts of John Daniel and his mother that he has to try - unsuccessfully! - to do a head count of those who read this blog and Facebook). We know that many 'evangelists' read this blog, but if some are still truly godly, how do they explain why they are still 'unequally yoked', even subject to, hirelings like the Daniels? That is surely flagrant disobedience to the Word of God.

    Perhaps it is because they still cannot - or cannot bear to - believe the extent of the evil now prevalent in an organisation on which they have based their whole lives, and even their claim to salvation in Christ. Perhaps in their hearts they know the accounts of evil to be true, but are physically dependent on the crumbs thrown to them by LEF under the guise of 'learning faith', and cannot see a practical way out in terms of housing etc. Perhaps, like their guru JD, they have come to depend emotionally on LEF and the reverence shown to them by their 'flock'. Perhaps, despite all, they still believe that the 'old- time' LEF, under N. Daniel, really was the only 'true church', a superior group, based on the prominence given to dubious 'healings', 'raisings from the dead', and exorcisms. These alleged phenomena are mentioned often by loyal LEF people. To engage one's soul, the souls of others, and one's life's labours in the light of such fleshly exhibitions is dangerous. Jesus said, 'I am.....the Truth', and those who worship Him must worship 'in...Truth'. However many the alleged 'miracles', however gracious and godly the old-timers may have seemed, if they were serving LEF more than the Truth, they were in error.

    I would humbly ask any honest 'evangelists' who read this to open their hearts to others on this blog about their continuing association with the Daniels and LEF, explaining from Scripture why they are doing this - or what perhaps practical difficulty prevents them from separating themselves and their flocks from evil. You can do so anonymously, and perhaps others can help you, graciously and without condemning.

    1. LEF is not the only church/denomination with glaring problems. It happens everywhere in the world.

      When it comes to this sad situation God can lead people to leave, or to stay and maintain the faith, or to wait until a certain time.

      We should not be quick to judge motives (consorting with Satan, staying because of dependence, etc.) because they could be very different in each person.

    2. Anonymous 6 Feb 11.56am

      This is precisely why it would be helpful to know what keeps honest people from obeying the Scriptures and separating themselves from evil. God never 'leads people to stay' if they would be supporting evil by doing so, or 'wait' if He has made the evil clear to them by some means. Whereas there are copious places in Scripture where God instructs us to separate ourselves from known evil, I cannot think of any Scriptural advice that we should continue to have open fellowship with evil-doers, and worse, follow their leading.

      Where do you find the Scriptural evidence that God ever recommends that we 'wait', or stay and 'maintain the faith' in the face of long-term, persistent, and unrepentant wrong-doing by those who set themselves up as Christian leaders? What do you mean by 'maintain the faith'? What faith? Whose faith? How do you interpret Jesus's strong statement that 'a little leaven leavens the whole lump'? What did the apostle Paul mean when he instructed the early believers to 'come ye out from among them and be ye separate......touch not the unclean thing'?

      There are situations in which believers can be unsure at some point as to whether to leave certain churches, but this is not one of them. LEF wrongdoing has been clearly shown to date back decades. So many testators cannot all be in error or deluded about this. In any case LEF does not fulfil the criteria of being a New Testament church, since its leaders have never followed New Testament guidance about church government, which is why this 'sad situation' has come about.

      As to 'this is not the only church/denomination with glaring problems': LEF is neither a church nor a denomination, but if it were, are you suggesting that believers, and especially those charged with the care of local flocks, should stay in subjection to evil leaders because other believers in other groups may, against Scriptural injunction, also continue to allow themselves to be subject to evil leaders? Do we take our example from other people's foolishness and indecision? Of course not, and I am sure that if you think through what you wrote you would not recommend this.

      Nobody is 'judging' motives in the sense of condemning as unbelievers (which was what Jesus meant by 'Judge not that ye be not judged') those who may not yet have separated themselves from the evil that is LEF. I suggested a number of reasons as to why honest 'evangelists' may feel unable to leave LEF. I may have omitted others. If these men feel able to share their concerns here, anonymously, it may be that those who have been able to make that break could help them.

      The expression 'consorting with Satan' did not appear as an accusation in my post. I quoted the term 'synagogue of Satan' as it was used by our Lord in Rev. 2:9 and aptly described the evildoers in the church of Smyrna.

      God never leads individuals to act or behave outside of the principles set out in His Word. I repeat, He never 'leads' people to participate, however remotely, in the evils perpetrated by others. For the believer this is not a matter of choice, or of waiting for some kind of extra-biblical 'revelation' which will allow him to stay put for the time being in a situation which encourages sin. Such unbiblical, personal (alleged) 'revelations' and 'guidance' are only promoted by hirelings like the Daniels, allowing them (they think) to ignore Scriptural principles and to justify their ungodly behaviour. 'God told me ' is their constant mantra in the face of others' justified misgivings.

    3. Your conviction is that each and every right-minded godly people should leave at once. You are entitled to that opinion.

      Those who choose to stay have theirs.

      I've seen enough churches, denominations, groups and situations to know that I should be very slow to judge. That was my observation in response to your post, and that is all I will say.

    4. You are probably the blog owner or someone with such power. That is why you only want your views to prevail.

      Your convictions about what the bible says believers in a group like LEF should do, are just your convictions. There are not a few who hold other convictions.

      Two wrongs do not make a right. To those who are not seeking to correct error but rather wanting to exact revenge on LEF as reparation for personal grievances past, please remember: don't commit the mistakes of the very thing that you abhor.

    5. AnonymousFebruary 07, 2016 11:04 AM, you are to quick to jump to conclusions. I am the blogger. Revenge, personal grievance...these are words that people want to attribute to people who stand up to question the institutionalized evil of any organization. If all I want is revenge, there could have been other ways of getting it. What I am doing through this blog is the least likely path anybody who wants his/her revenge would take. Some of you, who want to so quickly find a motive of people who are doing what I am have no clue as to the enormity of evil done in LEF and what risk a person a like me has taken to go after this evil empire. With all the money that Daniels have at their disposal, how hard would you think it would be for them to take me to court if they really felt that they had chance of defending themselves and there by silence people like me for ever. I have been running this blog for over a year now and till date, the best that Daniels have done is bark from their monopolized pulpits. So, please do not give some "spiritual spin" to this LEF and its nefarious activities. This organization which has disguised itself as a "church" is an anti-social organization and I will continue to do what I am doing till someone starts a trial to try these rogues as hardcore criminals. In the meanwhile, till such a trial starts, we want the well meaning people to get the heck out of this corrupt organization. To that end of wanting to people to move away, you will see some comments here that are encouraging people to take that step to walk out and some people are doing it by showing the Biblical basis to take such a difficult step understanding the emotional ties some people have to not the organization but to the people that belong to LEF.

    6. "So, please do not give some 'spiritual spin' to this LEF and its nefarious activities."

      -- Sigh. What a hyperbolic and overreaching reaction. That is why I do not want to reason or argue with your position. There is too much emotion involved. Any attempt at a moderate position is interpreted as being pro-LEF or anti-Bible.

      If you really want to argue a Biblical basis, go on any other moderated Christian forum, state what you think LEF is, and ask people whether the Bible absolutely mandates that each and every godly person in LEF should "obey the Bible" and leave it. You will get a wide range of responses from people of different backgrounds and histories. Not everyone will agree with you, and they will have some good reasons for that.

    7. How quickly we get our feelings hurt, Anonymous February 07, 2016 12:08 PM? Nobody said you are pro-LEF or anti-Bible. You some how think that people perceive you as being pro-LEF and anti-Bible. Whatever you are or you are not is your choice to make. There are many suggestions made by several people who comment on this blog as to what they should or should not do. But at the end of the day, it is up to an individual to chose to do what s/he thinks is the right thing to do. I am neither interested in arguing about the "Biblical basis" nor am I interested in taking my case to "moderated Christian Forums" as I don't just "THINK" that LEF is a nefarious organization but I KNOW that it is an nefarious organization. So, I have gone past the stage of speculating about what LEF is and isn't it. Based on what I gathered not just from hearsay but from documented proof that I have examined, I, as many have gone from THINKING to KNOWING that LEF is anti-social. Like many, you are still wanting to see LEF as a "church" that is having some issues and problems. Our premise is that LEF is a family-owned business of Daniel family that has succeeded to hoodwink gullible people and government alike for over 80 years passing off as a church. One should get past thinking that LEF is a church which is now having bad times. Only when one makes that shift in thinking, one understands why people like me are doing what they are doing. I respect your stand whatever that is. I don't expect you or anybody to agree with me. This is not some kind of popularity contest to have as many people agree with what I am saying. To each their the mantra, my dear friend that allows each one of us to feel comfortable in his/her own skin.

    8. Feb 07. 12:08. You have no idea. WB did help many abused spouses. It did sure stop atleast one to stop the excessive use of filthy language whi claims very close to LD and claims that no one can touch but afraid his story will one day may be exposed in WB. That is a big help which LEF with all the retreat and couselling could not stop this man 's filthy mouth all his life.

    9. Anonymous 7 Feb. 11.04am, 12.59am, 12.08pm

      I am the writer of the posts to which you seem to have taken exception. I am not a Whistleblower, and I have no reason to 'seek revenge' or 'seek reparation for personal grievances'. This is not a personal matter for me. I have not suffered as have so many who submit themselves to LEF, although I have closely observed its activities, and the suffering they cause to others, and where I have seen wrongdoing I have confronted the wrongdoers, including Joshua and Lily Daniel, who have never had any power over me. However I have seen many vulnerable folk seriously misled, and in particular made unhappy and insecure from the effects of erroneous teaching by people who are clearly power-hungry and do not understand, or want to understand, basic Christian doctrine.

      This is not a case for 'moderation' or intellectual arguing. The Word of God is not a set of optional pathways. If you feel that the Bible does not teach that believers must separate themselves from evil, then please justify your belief from Scripture. I am not governed by 'emotion', so you need not fear engaging with me on a biblical level. Where does the Bible teach that Christians must take a 'moderate' approach towards sin? Why did Christ die for our sin if all we need to do is sit in some 'moderated Christian Forum' and talk about it?

      If you believe that other true believers will have 'good reasons' for opining that Christians can legitimately continue in fellowship with a group governed by greedy, power-hungry, brutalising, spiritual frauds, then please tell us what you think those 'good reasons' might be. If 'different backgrounds and histories' take precedence over biblical truth in making such judgements, then we are not discussing Christian matters here. Perhaps that is why you do not wish 'to reason or argue with' what you think is '(my) position'.

      To urge deceived, unhappy, abused people to leave a cultish organisation is never wrong, once the nature of that organisation has been determined by sufficient evidence. The Whistleblower blog, whilst some of the posts it publishes may make uncomfortable reading, has always been about helping thousands of LEF people to escape well-documented oppression and brainwashing by a few self-appointed bullies. Such well-established evil is not something that can be eradicated through mere 'moderation'.

    10. Thank you Anonymous February 07, 2016 4:13 PM for your comment. It is worth all the trouble and name calling that has been targeted towards me by immature and vile people if this blog helped in empowering one helpless woman to escape the abuse of her spouse who is under the spell of this evil woman Lily Daniel. Thank you again.

    11. You are welcome. I know for sure. You are answer to prayers f many abused. . Some times when I see some one defending LEF I can not help think this person should be an abuser. I may be wrong but. Can not help it.

    12. Anon. 7 Feb 5.06pm

      People who defend LEF could well be abusers, or they could be incredibly naive, or there could be advantage to them in supporting the Daniels, in terms of power.

      Some may be from outside India, where the Daniels have little or no power. Joshua Daniel behaved very differently towards non-Indians, although the experiences of Americans, Canadians, and Germans in Germany related here show that most of them eventually realised what frauds and bullies the Daniels really are, and rejected Joshua Daniel.

      People like John Branch, Arthur Hill, and Rodney Bills covet the platform prominence Joshua Daniel was able to give them. Nobody has ever heard of them in their own countries. We now know that John Branch is an adulterer and conscious destroyer of marriage. A fellow Australian has written here from close personal experience about what an unpleasant, self-important old man Arthur Hill is. Rodney Bills was long ago described as 'Joshua Daniel's pet' by another foreign expatriate worker.

      Most foreigners are unaware of how Joshua and Lily Daniel treated Indians in India,and how particularly cultish the Indian LEF operation is. Even foreigners who visit Indian retreats, like Johannes Weidenmuller, and Andreas from Ireland, are probably kept well away from that side of LEF, but in any case Johannes was besotted with Joshua Daniel and would rather believe anything said by the Daniels than acknowledge the evil gripping the Daniel family. If they do witness any harshness towards Indians, they would probably regard it as justified 'spiritual discipline' rather than plain abuse and bullying.

      Interestingly the wives of even the foreign LEF workers are more shrewd than their enslaved husbands, but out of loyalty to their spouses they largely hide their misgivings, though one did tell me that 'Joshua Daniel treats and speaks to Indians very differently from how he behaves with non-Indians'. I wondered at the time whether these foreign workers had been led by JD to believe that Indians are some kind of primitive species who require more 'licking into shape' than Westerners and Americans! JD certainly wasted no time in putting distance between himself, his family, and his roots!

      I hope these wives are reading this. I believe that they are essentially kind, God-fearing women. When/if they see and acknowledge the suffering of other women in India revealed here, I hope they will do whatever they can to release their own husbands and children from the psychological stranglehold that the Daniels have on even their family lives. If Indian ladies, like you, other ladies who have posted here, and one of the Whistleblowers and her mother, can stand up to LEF, then surely they, too, can do something similar in their positions of relative security. However I expect their husbands dissuade them, on the orders of John Daniel, from reading anything which questions the nature of LEF.

      Whilst I believe that God hates divorce, I do not believe that He expects wives and children to stay under the destructive, essentially Godless influence of cults. LEF will try to tell you that it is completely sinful to abandon a husband under any circumstances. However to remove yourself from evil influences is not the same as running from man to man as Betty Daniel has. You may be constrained by practical problems, but the decision to remove yourself is ultimately yours, not LEF's. There should be truly Christian fellowships who will recognise the spiritual danger you are fleeing from, and will help and support you.

    13. "If you feel that the Bible does not teach that believers must separate themselves from evil, then please justify your belief from Scripture."

      -- what a straw man. You are saying that all godly people, no matter where they are in the LEF structure, should leave at once.

      Then you start by casting the argument in a different frame.

      Your argument cracks right at the beginning. I have no interest to engage with you. If you want to sharpen yourself, go to a neutral forum. This is not a neutral forum. If not, you just hold to your view, while I hold to mine.

    14. You crack me up, Anonymous February 08, 2016 9:04 AM. What should be so obvious if one were to look at what is happening in LEF squarely seems to be some kind of rocket science principle to you. Young girls and even married women were pried upon by men who were in leadership position in LEF. A man who preached from LEF retreat pulpits for 10 years dumps his wife for his secretary. Money that is given as tithes is blown off paying lawyers. The self-appointed watchmen are looting the people in broad light. What other reasons do people need to isolate themselves from this group called LEF which is inflicting wounds on the people who supported it and patronized it?
      You got one thing right- this is not the NEUTRAL FORUM. First of all it is not a FORUM. This is blog is not designed to decide the merits and demerits of LEF. The purpose of this blog is to create awareness in people to the evil that is happening in LEF. So, you will not see "neutral" views on evil done in LEF in this blog. If it doesn't suit your style of being "moderate and neutral," you need to move on like many others who tried and failed to moderate this blog to suit their style

    15. Even some Indian husbands are allowed to flirt with rich women till very very late alone at night for years. Now it makes sense. All money. Married men in LEF are used to charm rich women even alone. But poor people are always abused even if they are Godly. Unbelievable

    16. Ah. Name-calling. Bible-thumping.

      You are indeed little better than the ones whose errors you despise.

    17. Anonymous Feb 8 9.04am

      What has 'LEF structure' to do with anything?

      This blog is for the purpose of helping abused LEF people to understand and escape from that abuse. It is not for the 'intellectual' amusement of those who think themselves articulate and 'clever'.

      Those who are in a genuine quandary about what to do are encouraged to express their doubts and fears here. Even the Daniels' s opinions would be posted and fairly considered here if they had the courage to offer them and a genuine desire to defend their behaviour.

      You, however, clearly have no compassion for those being abused, and you are incapable of offering, or unwilling to offer, any biblical advice that might be helpful to these entrapped and vulnerable victims. It is therefore to everyone's advantage that you take your skills in rhetoric elsewhere. On that we agree.


    18. You, however, clearly have no compassion for those being abused, and you are incapable of offering, or unwilling to offer, any biblical advice that might be helpful to these entrapped and vulnerable victims.

      More name-calling and presumptions. Hit at me all you want. Just don't tar everyone who chooses to remain in LEF disobedient to the Bible and ungodly. That's your true point, it is apparent.

    19. No one is calling you names. You are playing with words to prove your rhetoric and this is not the platform to show off your rhetoric skills. No, not when our focus here is not to have intellectual discussions to amuse ourselves. Like I suggested earlier, you need to move on. Start your own blog to protect the people who according to you are "tarred" on this blog.

    20. It is clear who is playing with words, and playing with the Bible.

    21. Feb 8th 8:04 am. LEF is the one which encourage all the abuse because the chamchas who LDSays loyal claim that they say everybody is like them They are the once who claims that can LD say NO. She knows that are saying that and I know that she knows and the chamchas know that. Can they deny it. No there are many. Ask LD to deny that. You know one example IC

    22. Many have no idea the confidance the wicked chamchas have in the support for ithem from LD They are so confidant that they can change wives with just fish curry. That much wickedness is allowed in LEF. If you dont believe why cant LD clarify all these aligations on skype with abused and the abusers.

    23. In LEF doesn't matter what your past is doesn't matter what your present life is. As long as nobody knows and money is paid through some source even stolen you get the pulpit. What kind of Gods word you will learn from such preachers.

    24. Anonymous friend,

      "More name-calling and presumptions. Hit at me all you want. Just don't tar everyone who chooses to remain in LEF disobedient to the Bible and ungodly. That's your true point, it is apparent."

      This is apparent to you.

      Do you have family or friends in LEF? I hope you are able to find peace.

      The premise of this blog is that LEF is a corrupt family business. WB makes liberal use of provocation and ridicule regarding leaders of the business. WB uses a mix of compassion and ridicule for the sincere and powerless. The goal is to point out that obedience to a family business has little to do with obedience to the Bible and godliness and may at times be incompatible with them.

    25. Agree there are lot of wonderful Godly people in LEF. But they are powerless and forced to bring in more innocent unsuspecting victims to be slaughtered by this evil regime because in the midset of loyalty they are used to ruin more lives.that makes it part of evil whether they like it or not when they support LEF knowingly that there is so much corruption.. Agree it is hard for many to live but raise their voice against the corruption can atleast save some lves. They are letting many lives crushed under their watch willingly

    26. Didn't Jesus call the once who were using Gods place for their gain thieves. Didnt give us all authority ti cndemn the evil. There is no evil not done n LEF. Whats wrong in calling LEF what it is to educate the innocent victims. Isn't it worth even if it save one vctim.

    27. Anonymous Feb 8 12.26pm

      Although your post was directed at me, it seems that others, probably better qualified than I in terms of experience, have already answered and made the situation perfectly clear to you.

      I think it is time for you to move on from this blog, as WB suggests.

      Meanwhile, I repeat my request to those honest LEF centre leaders feeling trapped or powerless to share here, anonymously, any misgivings and confusions they may be experiencing. Things are happening apace, and you may be able to exit LEF, along with your flock, more easily than you think.

  4. Dont forget these puppets John Daniel is using are crooks themselves already. They are selected to do the dirty jobs. What truth can anybody expect from them

  5. John must first ask his sisters to delete their facebook accounts before he preaches to the youth asking them to stay away from social network.

    1. Wishful thinking, Anon. Feb. 7 @ 7.02 am. If John ceased to be a naive hypocrite pigs might grow wings......

  6. LEF is nothing but "BUSINESS" - Dirty Family Business in the Name of God. When the Daniel family strangulate evangelists and followers to "bring more souls" they simply mean - "Bring more moolah (Money) Hook or Crook doesn't matter". This is very much evident and no needs explaining.

    Can any Local TV channel be informed so they can keep track and interview people and spread awareness about this Dirty Business and exploitation of innocent people.

    Looping in IPS Sagayam would be a better option.

    1. Good Idea to inform local TV news channels so that the village people who don't have access to internet will come to know about this false LEF and their business.

      Please anyone do something/ give suggestion how to approach and give information to TV news channels. Better this happens in Andhra as most of the village people are being deceived by this LEF false teachings.

    2. As far as i know LEF organization never helped/ donated any thing to poor for their basic needs. Still how could these LEF goers believe their money is utilizing for God's ministry ? Wake up LEF !! its your hard earned money, you have to utilize it to the wanted as per God's will. Definitely God will not encourage to drop your hard earned money in this money making business organization.

    3. You are already dropping your money in RED bags !! then where are the profit money earned through Bookstall, DVD, tuck shop,water sale, coconuts, mangoes, puffs, namkeens etc ?? being utilized for ?? wake up friend !! try once utilizing your tithes for poor by serving food, clothes, basic needs through your own father and mother hands and see how you will enjoy in it. try at least now LEF !! insted of giving it to this cult people !! they are hungry of more and more money, not of souls. you are not important to them only your money matters for this business organization.

    4. Just a thought:

      If people can interest local Indian TV stations into investigating the Daniels's LEF operation, then Betty Daniel also needs to be investigated, since she is increasingly trading on her father's name to promote her dubious TV programme. She has put 'daughter of Joshua Daniel' on the screen quite prominently, and most of the introductory pictures she uses are of LEF meetings and retreats - presumably to fool people into thinking that the large numbers gathered in them are listening to her, not to her father, or the adulterer John Branch, or the unpleasant- in- private Arthur Hill, or whichever other chamchas were on the platform when the pics were taken ( not by her!).

      Betty also asks for money in writing on the screen at the end of her usually crocodile-tear-embellished spiel. It is not clear what is meant by to 'support' her 'ministry'. Does the money go to the USA? Does she have some kind of Indian bank account? She recently did a sort of 'ministry' tour in India, as advertised on her FB account, which almost certainly must have involved soliciting and taking 'offerings'. If it did, what happened to that money? Perhaps this income could be expanded en route by charging poor Indians for 'healing' their broken kitchen appliances, since she has that extra-biblical 'spiritual gift', apparently. 100 rupees for an electric can opener, 200 for a kettle, who knows how much for a 'fridge ( her first 'appliance healing' miracle!)?

      For as much as Betty Daniel has alternated between praising her father, yet calling her mother a 'Jezebel', and denouncing their LEF business, it looks as if the apple does not fall far from the tree: another Daniel quasi- American visiting her Indian roots in order to try to obtain from simple Indian villagers what the USA has not given her, some income-generating 'fame'. I wonder if, instead of fame and money, notoriety will satisfy any of her cravings?

      Betty will also need to be investigated along with Lily, John, Lydia, and all the chamcha friends and relations who are profiting in some way from this pernicious LEF. After all, she is already on record with the police in India for physically assaulting a vulnerable older man, as, indeed, her brother John Daniel must be for forcibly snatching and interfering with a retreat attender's 'phone, which I believe was also reported to them.

      At very least being investigated on TV along with her family may exorcise Betty's 'spirit of self-importance'. The 'exorciser' being 'exorcised'!

  7. The dirtier and the more crook you are the higher the position to get their dirty business successfull in the name of GOD. Sure no dought about it. Even split families for their dirty business . LEF is HELL on earth.

  8. The adulterous John Branch is still featured on the LEF website, shouting from the platform about sexual sins at the last (2015) May Retreat.

    Wouldn't you think that John Daniel would by now have had the common sense and humility to remove this man Branch's 'performances' from LEF website 'preaching' archives?

    Why is John Daniel ranting from the platform about Facebook accounts and people reading this blog, yet saying nothing about the fact that one of his pet preachers was haranguing Indians, young and old, about sexual sin whilst simultaneously continuing to commit adultery himself????

    How can John Daniel rant to others about sin of any kind when everybody knows that he and his mother, Lily Daniel, plotted to conceal John Branch's disgusting behaviour and consequent absence from further retreats by telling the lie that Branch was unable to get a visa for India?

    How much other blatantly sinful behaviour going on amongst LEF platform occupants is being wilfully concealed by John and Lily Daniel?

    Would John Branch still be displaying his hypocrisy on LEF platforms if his adultery had not been made plain to all? Would the Daniels have turned a blind eye to it if they had not been forced to act on this information? Why did John and Lily Daniel try to blame poor Marcia Branch for her husband's sexual sin when she went to them for comfort and help?

    How can any honest, godly person bear to appear on a platform contaminated by such wickedness? What are your answers, Arthur Hill, Rodney Bills, Johannes Weidenmuller, Andreas Heinzel, and all of you who give 'testimonies' and 'reports' at retreats?


    1. Very good points. Even if the visa was rejected, why can't they use their influence with Central Sonia Gandhi and get it cleared. Why visa is rejected all of a sudden. How come others got Visa. Are they dual citizens?? (LD, LLD, JJD and children). How long they try to cover up sin? Why are they not showing the same amount of interest shown towards IC in bringing the shame out to LEF HQ and why they are not bringing it out to all.

  9. Infact worst than fake. It's abomination and blasphemy. Jesus warns us about these kids be of wolves devouring he s church.

    Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. 29"I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30and from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them

  10. dear WB. who asked JD about his flight fare & other expenses, from rajahmundry? some one telling that in the recent meetings in rajahmundry JD blasted all the rajahmundry people about this. Also it is heard that jangareddy gudem fellow splitting off. was his son offered the lone bride of royal family. This bride has crores worth property, the boy's father told. Please examine and tell us the latest information about JD's job and his income as of today.

  11. 2 Timothy 3:2-9

    'For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: FROM SUCH TURN AWAY.

    For of this sort of are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with diverse lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

    Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do also these resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. BUT THEY SHALL PROCEED NO FURTHER: FOR THEIR FOLLY SHALL BE MANIFEST UNTO ALL MEN, as theirs also was.'

    Dear faithful LEF people, doesn't most of this look very familiar to you from what you have read on this blog??

    The apostle Paul goes on to say:

    (2 Tim. 3:16,17)
    'All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.'

    What did Paul say earlier? He told every faithful Christian to turn away from the evil people he is describing (v. 5: FROM SUCH TURN AWAY).

    Why does he say this? Because (v. 13) '... Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.'

    To any godly, honest LEF attenders who read this blog: does Paul write, 'just close your eyes to the evil, make sure you don't take part in it personally, do your best, and God will understand'? No, he does not. He is quite clear in his command, (v.5). He writes, 'FROM SUCH TURN AWAY'. Isn't Paul's second letter to pastor Timothy an essential part of the Scriptures by which we claim to live godly lives! LEF evangelists - isn't Paul writing especially to you, if you are honest men? Are you afraid of the consequences if you 'TURN AWAY' from LEF, the corrupt Daniel Empire? Read what Paul tells us in the same chapter (vss. 11b, 12):

    '..... What persecutions I endured; but out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution....'.

    Do you want to 'live godly in Christ Jesus', and be 'thoroughly furnished unto all good works'? Then you can have no option but to 'turn away' from LEF involvement and all its evils. The choice is simple: you can separate yourselves and 'touch not the evil thing', or you can stay put, daily compromising God's truth by trying to close your eyes and ears to that evil, and pretending to yourself that when you meet the Saviour face to face He will make an exception for you, and understand why you could not obey His simple command, 'FROM SUCH TURN AWAY'.

  12. Anonymous February 11, 2016 5:05 AM, You say
    "When you meet the Saviour face to face He will make an exception for you, and understand why you could not obey His simple command, 'FROM SUCH TURN AWAY.'
    This doesn't seem plausible to me. I think some of these evangelists in LEF today will be the first ones to be shown the door to hell for two reasons.
    1. They did not run away from evil.
    2. Most evangelists cover up for evil Daniel family and also fail to tell the truth to their own congregation about the evil being done in LEF. Worse still is, knowing that there is so much evil happening in LEF, these blinded evangelists run around trying to bring more people into LEF. They not only keep the people blind but also mislead the blind.
    I doubt if some of these rogues will get a chance to see the divine face to face if such a chance really exists for them.

    1. Anon. 11 Feb. 8.27am

      That is exactly the point I was making! Just to avoid any confusion, I wrote, 'and PRETENDING ......that when you meet the Saviour face to face He will make an exception for you, and understand why you could not obey His simple command, 'FROM SUCH TURN AWAY'.'

      Sorry if my use of irony was confusing! In other words, these evangelists can choose either to obey the Word of God and 'TURN AWAY' from evil, or they can deliberately ignore God's scriptural injunction, and at the final judgement, when they have to give account of themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ, they can try to excuse themselves to Him, face to face, as to why they disobeyed God's command.

      You are quite right to draw attention to the fact that by choosing to continue to work for LEF these LEF evangelists are enticing others into the same pit of hell that they themselves are falling into. Double guilt, and Jesus speaks exceptionally harshly about those who mislead others and encourage false teaching and wicked behaviour in His name.

      As you indicate, they are 'The blind leading the blind, and both falling into the ditch'.

      LEF evangelists, please think very seriously about this. Either you follow God and witness to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, or you stick with the Daniels in LEF and share their ultimate fate. There is no middle path.

  13. Many close to LD brag about how big and powerful they are. They don't understand how powerful God is. They get big by doing and covering up every evil under the sun for LD. They just cover up their greed under forgiveness and peace. It is not the real peace. God clearly says such people who ignore evil and act as if everything is good Are cursed

    Isaiah. 5:
    20Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! 21Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes And clever in their own sight. LD you and your followers do not follow what God says. If you say so then answer to the people whose lives you are ruining before you take communion. Because. God commands that. And your bound to obey Gods word when use his word his people as his money. Otherwise you are no different than Judas is chariot. Just surround yourself around Gods people to fill up your money bag.

  14. The Daniel Family & LEF published in Christ is Victor about the Gideon’s Family and that they will be no longer responsible etc. and kicked them out for no reason. Just because LEF no longer needed Gideon's they sent them off and published a report in their magazine.

    Now we have a star preacher called "Reverend John Branch" who is being accused of cheating his wife.

    Come on and have the courage, conviction and integrity to publish the same in Christ is victor.

    What a double standard. This shows how chicken Lef and the Daniel family are. How dare you preach about conviction, confession and integrity?

    Come on come out and publish. You made IC confess on stage just for publicity and personal gains.

    Now come on, if you are a true Christian organization and if you ought to live by what you preach and what you do to others, you cannot be biased.

    What are the Good evangelists still doing in LEF? Why are you still afraid of the Daniel Family and follow their orders. If the leadership is not good please protest and point to them that they are wrong.

    We have many such examples in the bible.

    People I guess it’s time we support our faithful evangelists and give them moral strength for them to oppose the atrocities of the Daniel families. Its time Evangelists stand their ground and make their points strong to the Daniel family.

    If this happens I'm sure it will bring a very big change. This way the Daniel family cannot control centers anymore, because people are backing the evangelist. If the Daniels send out the Evangelist they are sending the whole congregating. For them it will be a huge business crashing.

    How long will you be their puppets, let alone the goondas, goons & stooges of the Daniel Family.

  15. Wow. Unbelievable. It looks like LD and Co are bound by demons. Its getting more and more obvious. LDs character is reflected in many so called christ followers but wolves inside LEF. Dont do this to who gave their lives for your whole family to enjoy everyday party lfe evil lady

  16. For sure just to make a way for another goonda or to promote a crook. Thats how it has been all these years every time a Godly man has to leave.

  17. I learnt from impeachable sources that Rs. 15,00,000 (US $ 22,000) has been paid to the Tax authorities by JOAN Daniel. Possibly a yearly or monthly tribute, I thought what a foolish fellow that officer team to get peanuts, next time they must demand at least 100 times more, Nice way to do business from Gods money (poor peoples offerings)

  18. Lef goers claims: we are the only church goers who are spiritually fit to go to heaven. All those who go to other churches are dead spiritually and are on their way to hell. We have high moral standards. We follow and teach the 10 commandments. W.b. is spreading only false rumours. We are better than everybody. We are the only ones who preach repentence, confession of sins and restitution. Nobody else preaches like us. Our church is the only one that preaches the plain truth. We are a humble fellowship. We are the only ones who preach about conversion. We are the only ones who are able to attract large number of people. 6000students attended the students camp. Does' nt this sound like confident boasting? They seem to think that w.b. cannot touch them or hurt them.

    1. M.C.- you summed it up well. Who are we to touch them and hurt them? That is neither our job nor our intention. Our only job is to help people who are hurt by this fraud family and its supporters and educate people not to fall for their vile games. Really? Did not whistle blowers make any dent to LEF treasury? The loot team knows how their money is slowly dwindling as the elite and educated who read this blog have dissociated themselves from sponsoring this fraud group long time ago. Apparently poor John Daniel the CEO of LEF had to run pillar to post to find a driver to drive him around during his recently concluded visit. Mr. George the longtime Daniel family driver "resigned" from his driver's job. Another driver James apparently told John Daniel that he cannot drive him any more. Poor John Daniel may have to advertise for vacant drivers positions in LEF which may be hard to fill because John Daniel and LEF doesn't believe in paying people as these rogues believe that driving John Daniel is as good as driving God himself. As long as Joshua Daniel was alive the parasites of this family had their bellies full as that old man traveled around the globe and looted people to feed this good for nothing greedy family. In some sense Joshua Daniel was worked to death by this family till his last days to provide for this family as the only thing he could do was to "preach" to make money. It is a pity that they are beating this dead man even now to produce money for them. Look at all the posters with Joshua Daniel's picture to advertise for their Jataras. But for that old man's picture they know no other way of advertising to draw the crowds.Now that Joshua Daniel is dead and gone and Whistle blowers are chasing these rogues, poor Lily Daniel and her darling daughter are having to spend more time in India than they ever did as it has become progressively difficult to carry the loot to US. And to sustain themselves, they are having to hang around in India which Lydia Daniel greatly abhorred. Some of her contemporaries may recall her calling India as "sewage tank." Now this poor princess is having to spend more time in and around sewage tanks.
      But for the noise we have made and the spotlight we have given to the frauds of this organization, this family would have liquidated most of LEF properties in India and moved the money out of Indian shores. It is providence that the power changed just in time from the corrupt congress government that long protected bandicoots like Joshua Daniel to BJP government that is giving these fraud fellows run for their money. Surely LEF will disintegrate. Once Lily Daniel kicks the bucket, this show will come to an end. Some of these stooges of Daniel family who are falling prostrate before this rogue family are buying their time. Without his bull dog mother, John Daniel will not even be able to get off from the airport in Chennai and make it safely to Head quarters. That is how ignorant this arrogant fool is. Some of these men are capable of locking up this fool John Daniel in a room and let him rot without anybody having any trace of this gullible guy. This fool can neither speak English properly nor a regional language properly to save his own life. John Daniel will not even have a clue that these men may be plotting his disappearance right under his nose. That's how cut throat some of these stooges are who all know too well that it is Lily Daniel who is standing between them and this big loot of of LEF. Threat to John Daniel is not from anybody outside but from the very people who are in their inner circle. The more arrogant this John Daniel is and the more he throws his weight around in front of these evangelist, more will be the who will be get on the bandwagon to eliminate him from LEF once the old woman dies. They are all waiting for this old woman to die to have their field days.

    2. Mc. Feb. 16 8.35pm

      If LEF people make such claims (even if these are in part your own paraphrase) any who even think like this are paving their own road to hell. If they say:

      1. 'We are the only churchgoers who are spiritually fit to go to heaven. All those who go to other churches are dead spiritually and are on their way to hell'

      Jesus says, 'Because thou sayest, I am rich, and have increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see'

      2. 'We have high moral standards. We follow and teach the ten commandments. WB is spreading only false rumours'

      Jesus says, 'Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity'

      3. 'We are better than everybody'

      The apostle Paul says, 'Let he that thinketh he stand take heed lest he fall

      4. 'We are the only ones who preach repentance, confession of sins, and restitution'

      Jesus said, 'for God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved'

      5. 'Nobody else preaches like us. Our church is the only one that preaches the plain truth'

      Jesus said, 'They be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch'

      6. 'We are a humble fellowship. We are the only ones who preach about conversion'

      The apostle Paul said, 'For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think...'

      7. 'We are the only ones who are able to attract large numbers of people. 6000 students attended the students' camp'

      Jesus says, 'wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it'


  19. Lef'claims:we are the greatest.

  20. Lef'claims: 1.we are the only church that is spiritually fit to go to heaven. 2. We are a humble fellowship. 3. We are morally and spiritually superior to others. All other churches are died. If you go to other churches you are doomed. 4. We teach the 10 commandments and follow it. 5.we are the only ones who preach about conversion, through repentance, confession of sins and restitution. 6.we are the only ones who are able to reach the crowds we are crowd pullers.............

  21. Claim no. 7. We cannot be touched or hurt by w.b. lef claim 8. W.b. is only spreading false rumours. So we will just carry on. No one can harm us.

  22. The harm to LEF leaders will come by the so called LEF associate leaders. Soon and very soon, they will kick out John and the Daniel clan and directly enjoy the loot. Till they get into a fight to the finish. Just wait and see.

  23. Happy that Mr. George the longtime Daniel family driver "resigned" from his driver's job and happy that another driver James refused to drive. The Bible teaches that the laborer is worthy of his wages. Let the advertisements for Car drivers and helpers come in the LEF website and christ is victor.Let them boldly say "No Salary" but wife may be found for self / partners for children as compensation.

    1. Please dont pull Mr.George in this dirty muddle.He is 73 years old and because of his advanced age he has declined to chauffeur the Daniel Family.He is a very good man who keeps away from controversies.I am disappointed over the anonymous commenter who called him a driver.Bro.George is from a well to do family .He left his lands,farms to serve God.At the Bible college his mechanical skills were noticed and late JD used his services .

    2. Quite sad that people of such good reputation such as Mr. George had to serve their time in LEF and were reduced to drivers and mechanics by this rogue family. It makes me wonder how some of these people were tricked to believe that being chauffeurs to this wretched family was a way of answering their divine call to serve God.

    3. Lef Whistleblower Feb. 12.17pm

      Just what I was wondering. Can Anon. Feb 17 11am enlighten us as to what Mr. George's 'service to God' entailed, other than driving the Daniels around and apparently repairing items requiring mechanical skill? How patronising that Joshua Daniel 'noticed' these skills when Mr. George was at the LEF 'Bible College' (for want of any other way to describe what appears to be a centre for training naive followers for domestic servanthood). What justified making Mr. George abandon his home responsibilities in order to 'serve' Joshua Daniel and his family? Who took over Mr. George's responsibilities when he was 'called' to attend to Joshua Daniel's personal needs?

      Surely Joshua Daniel had enough strong, young, offspring of his own who could have attended to these matters and driven him around? Why was John Daniel using, until recently, a 73-year-old man as a personal chauffeur anyway?

      Unfortunately, whilst no-one intends to level criticism at Mr. George just for its own sake, your post merely brings to light more of the Daniels's arrogant behaviour.

      Also, does 'keeping away from controversies' equate to 'being a good man'? Jesus and the apostles faced up to evil in their midst and did something about it.

      We would probably respect Mr. George more if he had consciously distanced himself from the evil personified by the Daniels, rather than simply retired because of his age (which, however, he is perfectly justified in doing), as you claim. Perhaps he himself could clarify this here?

      Incidentally, what is so wrong with being a driver, that you should consider it an insult to Mr. George ? That sounds like Daniel snobbery........unjustified, since none of them have amounted to anything worthy of respect or admiration.

  24. I am sure Mr. George genuinely served God though these LEF culprits took advantage of his service. They may think they are getting away with all this looting using and ruining peopes lives as blessing.. But the story of Lazarus and rich man is not in vain. When God finally deals with these people the LEF culprits won't even worthy of wiping Mr. Georges shoes. . The day is coming. Soon very soon. You wicked LEF looters will be begging for a drop of water.

  25. All evangelist are good people as long as they serve the God with all their heart and soul and mind. They lose their respect when they start focusing/worshiping/pleasing/serving only the leaders.

    What I heard is.

    Mr. George was a very nice person long time ago and later because of his children’s decision, he had to suffer a while.
    Couple of years ago, he was kept behind the bars for few hours or a night (not quite sure the duration he was counting the bars) for his foolish/unrighteous work that he and his associates done against a girl.
    At least let him be free from Daniel family now and take good rest. I still don’t understand how come a person resign his job when he was not officially appointed?

    I also agree the point that all these will go well while LD is alive.

    Why can’t MR.JJD drive alone? Why he needs a driver? Does he not have guts to drive on Indian roads? How come he is driving in USA? At least now he will learn now.

    We can offer him a GPRS to find streets and roads in India. May be a good quality one loaded with global map data and he can use it across Globe. A person who worked in an automobile industry does not have courage to drive a car. What a Shame?

    Some of LEF drivers really lost their spiritual sense as I have seen them washing and cleaning the cars while the Sunday/Retreat messages were on. I think these drivers know that all these messages are worthless and that’s the reason they started cleaning cars.

    Can they make Callu baby as a new driver?

    I salute Mr. James for his boldness in denying to drive. I want to see more James.

    BTW. Does anyone know the status of Merc SUV?

    1. Why do the Daniel parasites, of all people, need to prey on servile fellow/Indians for the mechanical expertise they need to maintain their Mercs?

      As someone has reminded us, 'Joan' Daniel was 'Vice-President' (not!) of General Motors? Surely he picked up a few tips on car mechanics somewhere along the way? Or maybe his Dad, Joshua, meant that 'Joan' was in charge of any 'vice' taking place in General Motors? Joshua's command of the English language was always a bit dubious - you only have to try to read his books to discover that.


      Anyway, if 'Joan' has forgotten his former skills (whether related to cars or 'vice'), his sister Betty could be sidetracked from her fake-miracle-performing, money-making, 'preaching tours' in S. India in order to help. After all, Betty tells us on Facebook that she has the 'Gift of Kitchen Appliance Healing'. Surely, where there is need, 'Goad' is able to extend this to include the 'Gift of Automobile Healing'? It can only be a short step from re-starting a refrigerator motor to re-starting a car engine, can't it (Gen. 18:14a)?

    2. Appreciate the sense of humour of commenter AnonymousFebruary 18, 2016 11:41 AM

      Why cant Joan pray and with faith sit in his car so that the car automatically starts ,navigates through the streets of chennai.

      If Joan can drive in America he can drive in India too.

      Bible College students and evangelists are not your bell boys .Stop taking people for granted .Joan Beta grow up.

  26. Its a shame people who get close to LD get corrupt or can get close only if you are already corrupt when there is so much explosion of evangelism all over outside LEF.

  27. J.d always preaches from the old testament. All the bible characters like Gideon, etc. Are studied.why do lef preachers refuse to study the new testament??? Jesus is the main focus of the new testament. He is the main focus of heaven. But he is not the central focus of lef or its preachers!!!

  28. I read this post where you referred Priyanath Garu.A smart person who is very good in communication like him should not waste his time in LEF.He must move out of the LEF dirtroad and spend time with his family.

    1. Dear Annon Feb 18, 9:08 PM,
      Please get facts about A smart person Priyanath Garu....? You will wonder if you truly hear about him...!!

  29. Jesus is very different from the LEF, he love people, forgives them, gives hope. the LEF says dig deep and confess real and imaginary sins.

    1. But they wont confess their sins. Its only to trap others. I kmow some make people confess their sins and use them to slave the victim. The victims have to work life long for free to these cuprits. Even spying for them to get power. Some on the pupit never confessed their sins still continue to sin but advice others.

  30. LEF:

    Tedious, end-to-end 'testimonies' amounting to 'I am very sinful and I am going to bore you with the details again.....and again.....and again. Joshua Daniel is/was my 'saviour'. Joshua Daniel raised someone somewhere from the dead (or so I've been told - anyway if he didn't, he could have, so I need to to give him lots of money to pay his expenses, just in case a dead person in the Antarctic needs raising......or a barely alive person needs healing....or an excited person needs to have their 'demon of over-activity' cast out....or anything').

    Tediously extended 'sermons' from totally ungifted persons - who can under no circumstances be Indian, unless they are members of the wider Daniel clan - telling people how utterly worthless and full of sin they are, and how worthy and 'humble' Joshua Daniel is/was (his 'humility' was demonstrated by the frequency with which he told his audience that he 'needs to be more humble'; the rationale being that if he did not think of himself as being 'humble' enough, then he must be 'humble' enough to acknowledge his need of humility. Bit of a vicious circle of thinking, really, but it seemed to impress his gullible audience members......). Australians, Germans, and Americans can apply for platform duties (although applicants from the USA are currently under suspicion, following the John Branch scandal).

    Lots of rather dreary singing, led from the platform by 'musicians' of dubious talent, usually Daniel family members (including videos of young Daniels warbling to canned music).

    Much loud 'praying', often simultaneously, whipped up into a frenzy of sobbing and wailing by strategically placed trained 'wailers' (coached by Betty Daniel, who has since had to transfer her sobbing skills to Telegu TV following her exile from LEF).

    Queues of nervous-looking people lining up outside of Joshua and Lily's (comparatively luxurious) accommodation. They are not sure why they are lining up. It is a compulsive reaction which accompanies LEF retreat attendance. They only know that if they don't line up they might miss out on some word of wisdom from the Guru, although the likelihood of their being admitted to The Presence is commensurate with their ability to swell the Daniel coffers (or at least to provide some necessary, unpaid expertise to help expand Daniel territory or enhance Daniel life-styles).

    Have I missed out any other activity vital to these circuses? It's been a while......

  31. Yes one more. The drama of the pulpit people. They make their spine literally bent to a bow to show how humble they are but when they are outside they are the poison arrow destroy many lives

    1. Arrows are quite flexible, though, aren't they?

      Of course if LEF and the Daniels quietly faded away, we'd have nobody to make fun of.

      Why not try it, John and Lily? Wouldn't it be better than constantly having to watch your backs in case the authorities suss you out, whilst enduring the ongoing humiliation of the justified scorn poured upon you by your victims?

  32. Priyanth a very well settled Godly man in vijayawada. He is the God of krishna district pastors.If anyone fail to keep his words he will kick them out of fellowship. He goes to saloon shop for hair color and asks people not to go for hair color. Mr.Priyanath bible says First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Oh,the pa's around him are surprisingly the light of angels,Obey to ayyagaru but not Jesus. We can write a book about him. As of now I don't have time. I'm sorry guys.

    1. He has driven away so many Poor evangelists and innocent families from his way. Whatever he says it should be happened.. that is his policy. Many evangelists are still under his wrath. He is Andhra's Hitler. No place for Forgiveness, Love, Graceful words... only Rules & discipline. Some how he will tries to take revenge upon whoever comes against him. He is a big hindrance to the work of God in Andhra Pradesh, mostly Krishna District area.

  33. Mr.Priyanath is a big goonda upto my knowledge in krishna district. He uses faith where there will be no actions. Can anyone ask him to join in bible college please?

  34. Why in the bible college? He was already there few years back as a professor, even though he has joined as a student.

  35. Fellowship bible college is not a bible college they will not teach bible it must be called as Evangelical college. Priyanath may be there for some years what did he learn there?
    He never asks HQ for money for the development of church he grabs the money off poor people in the name faith. 😁
    Better he must learn something what faith is? Right? A big Goonda. He must be transferred to some other place. Ofcourse he will not leave his comfortable villa in vijayawada. John Daniel recently in the revival meetings of vijayawada he pointed out Mr.Priyanath but this Goonda didn't recognised it." Vijayawada is a place of rowdyism" Mr.Priyanath a rowdy in LEF uses all his tacticals to kick all the people who are against him.Infact of his poor mind he may not know that God is with them....

  36. Many more LEF leaders or Goonda family errand boys/girls are on facebook.


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