Saturday, September 05, 2015


Dear readers,
Thanks for the support in making people aware of the evil going on in LEF. Thanks for following the blog for over 8 months. We are happy to inform you that we are finally making some progress in getting the attention of some government officials both at state level and the central level. It has been an uphill battle as LEF rogues have mastered the art of bribing people up and down the government machinery. All the unaccounted offerings and tithes of LEF followers have been generously used by LD, JJD, IC and Daniel Mani to grease the palms of the corrupt government officials to cover up the crimes done against women and the weak in LEF who fell prey to these rogues. It took us some time to identify some upright police officers and government officers to start an unbiased investigation to dig out the dirt in LEF. As a first step in the process, we managed to have the missing mother and child show up after more than 20 days of disappearing from the house. Whoever held the mother and child as hostages finally decided to let go of her when the police started knocking on the doors of the the suspects. While we still need to get to the bottom of the cause of her disappearance, we are happy that police could help us in tracing her and the child. The evil in LEF is multi- faceted and needs multi-prong probing to be exposed to the public. It is a matter of time before LEF as an organization will be made to walk naked in front of the whole world for people to watch and know how shamefully LEF has used the name of GOD to conduct business of every evil kind - ranging from flesh business to money laundering. If Sheena Bora's case is unearthed and evil mom is exposed to the world, we have have no doubt that the rogue mom of LEF will remain unexposed for too long. In a way, the disappearance of the mother and child helped as a trigger for some of the police officials to act. Finally, TN police machinery understood that there is more to the story of LEF than what meets the eye. If the momentum continues, we should see the sewage from LEF flowing to the streets so that people can now finally run away from it unable to stand the stench. Of course, there are characters called pigs who will love to still roll in the sewage as it is but their nature to wallow in the dirt. It will be interesting to see LD and JJD(as the heads of LEF) answer the press as to why they covered up the crimes of IC relating to abuse of women who worked in LEF schools. The day is not far when all of this will be on the prime time news on TV.
Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we fight this battle not for our personal gain but for those who have no recourse to come out of the clutches of these LEF rogues who have sadistically played with the lives of innocent people and those of their precious children. 


  1. Happy to see some positive movement in the case... And I wonder how far,, LEF People can bribe the officials and police officers both in central and state govts.. Afterall it is INDIA, here the bribe only WORKS, Friends share these things and make them known to Telugu crowds, most of them don't know a thing about these issues... The telugu sheep still argue and boast about LEF that it is the only perfect church, shame on these hypocrites..

  2. hi, whistleblower, great relief to hear that the missing mother & child were found out. I hav one request. There used to be Godly men with love & care in LEF. Some people have ruined them and driven away God's presence. so they are dirty, rouges etc. it's not whole LEF is like that. Still we find innocent people in LEF. while saying LEF rouges you're saying whole LEF is full of rouges, you know what i mean

    1. It is the rogues we call as rogues. It is upto each individual to decide if they want to be associated with this rogue organization or not. The Godly men that you are taking about have no business in continuing with this rogues in LEF.

    2. Anonymous September 5 @8.52 pm

      Whatever the personal moral status of people who still worship with and support LEF, the instruction in the Bible is quite clear: 'Come out from their midst and be separate', says The Lord, 'and do not touch what is unclean' (2 Cor. 6:17). Now that the truth about the LEF leadership is known and broadcast, anyone who continues to support this organisation, and therefore these evil-doers, is morally and spiritually a part of their evil-doing, by association.

      Therefore the only way in which innocent people can demonstrate their innocence is by openly and publicly disassociating themselves with LEF. Consider the personal integrity of people like Brother Sathy and others who have already done so. Many years ago Sathy confronted Joshua Daniel with clear evidence of the evil taking place in LEF, which had been going on for a long time even then. Joshua Daniel refused to do anything about it, one can only deduce because he had a personal interest in the material proceeds, and was afraid it might result in the questioning and diminishing of his own absolute power. Sathy immediately walked out of LEF, and has been greatly used by The Lord in other spheres ever since.

      Whistleblower is correct in saying that godly people have no business in continuing in an organisation which is ruled by rogues. Sentimentality about the past has no place in the pursuit of righteousness.

  3. Whistleblower: great relief
    to know the mother and child are safe.....but why the mother is not speaking out.......... at least mention the people involved
    Glad some progress is made in convincing the law enforcing authorities.....but still a long way to go. ....I guess. Let's pray and win the battle. By way. Thanks a lot may God bless u r efforts in this.

  4. Well done Whistleblowers, Happy to hear good news from you, Great !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Thank you for all your hard work, Whistleblowers. Unlike the Daniels, there is no profit for you in what you are doing - only the satisfaction of knowing that already many have now been given the confidence and the means to enable them to stand up against this evil, cultish organisation and the false prophets and hirelings who obtain money from it and exert damaging power over them .


  6. If God is so patience with these rouges then Why cant we be patience with them, God will make a way, We will wait for some time, Just collect all the evidences from everyone and one day God himself will forsake these rouges, We will pray for them before God's wrath come upon them, One day God is going to judge everyone, Be careful in God's work

    1. Anonymous 7 Sept. 11.45pm

      I am afraid your post looks as if it were written by one of the 'rogues'!

      The Biblical way of dealing with sin in a Christian fellowship is for those sinned against to approach the sinners first, then for the elders of the fellowship to approach them, and if they still will not listen, repent, and put things right, then they must be expelled. At least fifteen years ago Joshua Daniel was approached about the kind of sin now being made more public. He did not listen, and neither did the other evil-doers at that time. Other approaches have been made over the years, with no results. It was not possible to eject Joshua Daniel and the other wrong-doers because they were, in fact, 'the leadership'. LEF does not have a biblically appointed leadership, or a membership which could vote out that leadership if it should err. However a few men who were considered to be 'leaders', for want of proper, biblical church government, tried to reason with and reprimand Joshua Daniel and other men who were also considered to be 'leaders'.

      This is exactly the kind of spiritual confusion and impotence which results when Christians do not order themselves according to biblical instruction, and allow hirelings to take over and continue in leadership indefinitely and with no conditions of accountability.

      These 'leaders', of whom the Daniels are the worst because they have taken to themselves a leadership not given them by God, have therefore been sinning for many years, and their sins have become worse and compounded, because no-one had the power (or, it seems, the desire) to stop them.

      What do you expect God to do, Anonymous @ 11.45pm, and when? Has He not given us both spiritual and legal means of stopping wrongdoing and punishing the wrongdoers? Why should people keep 'praying' that He should 'make a way' when He already has? That certainly would come into the category of the 'vain repetition' against which the Bible warns us; it would also be blatant disobedience to God's Word.

      If you read your Bible carefully and independently of LEF self-serving dogma you will see that Jesus was never slow in condemning false leaders. Of all the sins he encountered when he was on earth, that of leading his flock astray was the the one he condemned most graphically , and very publicly. False leaders were called 'whited sepulchres', that is, 'graves painted nicely on the outside, but full of rotting flesh inside.

    2. Dear whistleblower, I'm not the rouge what you are thinking, basically I'm from LEF background but now i dont tell anyone that I'm from LEF, nowadays i use tell people to go church wherever they like, I know everything happening in LEF, I'm not an enemy of whistleblower, but sometimes i can't even imagine what is happening and happened in LEF, I couldn't believe that Uncle Joe has told to take illegal electricity, I couldn't believe that Aunt Lily is playing with life od Gideon's Uncle Daughter, What is happening in LEF, What a pathetic condition the LEF people are living? i see too much partiality is seen LEF peoples by higher authorities in LEF, All the best for your contribution to save the people of LEF from these rogues, I'm always there to help each and everyone in whistbeblowers, whatever help you need kindly reply me, we are praying for the repentance of all rogues in LEF, before they get judgement from GOD and Law, Let God be with us to help and support each and everyone by his grace, love and mercy, Continue your operation till it ends, Thank you for your information, All the Best,bye

  7. Why is Lizard Silent.We know she never misses an opportunity to fire cannons at her brother and mother.

  8. Perhaps collusion asa working strategy?

  9. Collusion when it s profitable , otherwise collision especially at sharing the spoils

  10. After 20 days the mother and child were found. did you get any information from her? where she had been?

  11. Found this in suniemi (Sister Mary - September 9, 2015 at 10:43 pm)

    For those who are still claiming LEF to be 2nd Heaven or what ever, and for those who still think the Daniels are saints and they do every thing by Gods will and Gods instructions

    Can any one challenge Lily Daniel the below situation.

    In a particular center when Lily was there she told her stooges not to count the offerings when one particular (True & Faithful) Evangelist is around or in front of him.

    Ask her to deny this fact?

    I wont wonder if she denies this fact because if she can dare say such a thing she can very well dare to say that she did not tell it.

  12. To those who follow the LEF Whistleblower blog, in the expectation that the scandal that was, and is, the 'Laymen's Evangelical Fellowship' will continue to be exposed and dealt with:

    Do not be discouraged by the absence of new posts here from time to time. Action continues to increase behind the scenes, but currently discretion is the better part of valour!

    Please continue to pray for those who are determined to make the Daniels and their organisation accountable on earth, both legally and to those whose trust they abuse. There is no doubt that sooner or later God Himself will require those tricksters who remain to account for themselves and their actions, as He required it of their late leader almost a year ago. There is no way of wriggling out of eternal judgement, and Almighty God does not accept bribes.


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