Saturday, April 11, 2015


Here is a checklist to determine if people are spiritually abused in LEF in addition to being exploited both mentally and financially?
1. LEF rogue leaders have a distorted view of respect. They forget the simple adage that respect is earned, not granted. These abusive leaders demand respect without having earned it by good, honest living. 
2. LEF rogue leaders demand allegiance to themselves as proof that these people are following God. It’s either his/her way or no way. And if a follower deviates from what JD, LD and JJD wants him/her to do, then person is made to feel guilty that he has deviated  from the path of righteousness.
3. LEF rogue leaders use exclusive language. “We’re the only ministry really following Jesus.” “We have all the right theology.” Believe their way of doing things, thinking theologically, or handling ministry and church is the only correct way. Everyone else is wrong, misguided, or stupidly naive.
 4. LEF rogue leaders create a culture of fear and shame. Often there is no grace for someone who fails to live up to the church’s or ministry’s expectation. And if someone steps outside of the often-unspoken rules, leaders shame them into compliance. These rogues will not admit to their own failures but often search out failure in others and use that knowledge to hold others in fear and captivity. They often quote scriptures about not touching God’s anointed, or bringing accusations against an elder. Yet they often confront sin in others, particularly ones who bring up legitimate biblical issues. Or they have their circle of influence take on this task, silencing critics. 
5. An abusive church often has a charismatic leader (like the late JD) at the helm who starts off well, but slips into arrogance, protectionism and pride. Where a leader might start off being personable and interested in others’ issues, he/she eventually withdraws to a small group of “yes people” and isolates from the needs of others. Harbors a cult of personality, meaning if the central figure of the ministry or church left, the entity would collapse, as it was entirely dependent on one person to hold the place together. 
6. LEF rogue leaders cultivate a dependence on one leader or leaders for spiritual information. Personal discipleship isn’t encouraged. Often the Bible gets pushed away to the fringes unless the main leader is teaching it. 
7. LEF rogue leaders demand servant hood of their followers, but live prestigious, privileged lives. They live aloof from their followers and justify their extravagance as God’s favor and approval on their ministry (while the whole LEF ministry is in India, this rogue family moved to USA and wants to control the affairs of LEF remotely). Unlike Jesus’ instructions to take the last seat, they often take the first seat at events and court others to grant them privileges.(Look at the May retreat pulpits infested with this members of this rogue family and their stooges).
8. LEF rogue leaders buffer themselves from criticism by placing people around themselves whose only allegiance is to the leader. Views those who bring up issues as enemies. Those who were once friends/allies swiftly become enemies once a concern is raised. Sometimes these folks are banished, told to be silent, or shamed into submission. 
9. LEF rogue leaders hold to outward performance but reject authentic spirituality. They place burdens on followers to act a certain way, dress an acceptable way, and have an acceptable lifestyle while they themselves never adhere to these guidelines.
10. LEF rogue leaders use exclusivity for allegiance. Followers close to the leader or leaders feel like insiders. Everyone else is on the outside, though they long to be in that inner circle.


  1. John Daniel must consult with Russell Peters the standup comedian on ways and methods to grab the attention of LEF Folks.

    His messages are poorly prepared and are just gas.No stuff.

  2. I agree, John has no theological training. I can bet my last rupee that he will miserably fail if he has to quote the books of the Bible in order. He will be totally lost if we ask him to explain the meanings of terms eschatology, pneumatology. But alas, the LEF followers are blind because the followers identity is tied in the little "power" that John and other mini-LEF leaders give them. These followers do not realize that their power is tied to a string which is held by the powerful, self-centered leaders who without any prior notice cut the power string. One example is the number of Indians who would have attended last weekend's Easter retreat where the joker was doing a theatrical performace. These boot-lickers are shamelessly trying to impress John and Lily Daniel who defy their right to be in America but live off the money they give out at these retreats

  3. Curious to know if this blog/comments has had any impact on Nagabathulu (cobra-worshipers AKA “the Daniels clan”). I notice this blog has been active for past four months and has provided enough evidence on the wrong doings of the current top leadership. Wonder if this resulted in any talk/discussion in LEF centers? Or is it being dismissed as “Satan’s attack” and “forces of darkness” against the righteous God’s people?? I really hope the current younger generation is not stupid (like some of the earlier LEFI devotees).


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