Monday, February 09, 2015


This is from one of our readers who  desired anonymity for obvious reasons:

A prominent lady from the first family lives in a nice city in India and she desired  to have a house which can be as a LEF prayer center. So, LEF head obliged and built a nice big single story house. Then she built x stories over that (She has x children. Thank goodness she doesn't have 8 children).No permissions were asked and none were given. All of this was with LEF offerings. Now sonny dearest is living with the mum along with his wife (recall that LEF heads used to scream-“How dare a son live with his parents” - obviously they made an exception now) One story is rented out. If the LEF money was used to build the house should not the rent be collected by the LEF? (I can hear people mutter while reading this- “You mean philistine, close your eyes”) This house is fully furnished from LEF offerings (given to God). People living in this house have all utilities like water and electricity paid for by LEF (given to God). Cell phone, food and fuel is also free (given to God). Sonny doesn’t attend the LEF meetings as he convinced that LEF is a cult (amazingly the money that this cult generates is not kosher). Sonny called the great head a fool (brave man indeed, as many don’t dare to even entertain a negative thought against the big boss) but still enjoys all the perks. Sonny uses his car (fuel met by God’s money). By the way, sonny earns money by playing music in shop openings which of course he uses as pocket money as all major expenses are met from LEF offerings (given to God). Sonny visited the Holy land minimum 8 times, Singapore and Bangkok some 10 times. He and his wife visited USA some 6 times. Now the mother wants to say that all of this was sonny’s money. But how much does sonny and his wife earn to spend like this? A lot of us made some wild speculations about how this family is meeting 
its financial needs:

1. A friend told me they have a golden duck in their house. Really? Do they have a golden duck which lays golden eggs which hatch into golden ducklings?

2. Another worldly friend told me - “May be each Sunday the offering will be collected, mum will collect and bring to son’s house / floor?  Mother will have lunch with the family. Sonny with a smile does all he needs to do with the collection money (given to God).

Dear readers, some of you for sure will know that the the speculation that my second friend made is correct

Each week a preacher is sent to the city to preach and this is after 40 years of glorious ministry. Was not even one faithful follower produced in this city to preach? What about the sonny who has full access to money? Is it true that people will stop attending LEF if sonny is allowed to preach as all he knows is to blabber? Now this visiting preacher will not even be given train fare (not even a cup of water). The offering money is taken home by this prominent widow of LEF first family (gross offering is equal to net offering). Is the same facility provided to all widows of LEF? Is she given permission to do what she wants with LEF money because that’s what is happening in HQ and also in the wider world? Are the other big people in LEF doing exactly the same things as this woman in the story but only in larger scale? 

1. Please appoint one treasurer, supported by 2 Asst. treasurers.
2. Give each offering bag a number, write on a register the number on the bag and the name of the person who is collecting the offering.
3. Don’t allow the bags to be taken out of the prayer hall, let the treasurer count the money and write on a register and let he and 2 Asst treasurers sign.
4. Let the offering money collected be intimated to LEF Headquarters treasury department.
5. Let the offering be deposited in a local bank and managed by the treasurer and his two assistants.
6. Let all expenditures be made using cheque.

Is it not true that LEF money management system is left vulnerable like the way it is so that some privileged people can buy a toy for Rs.2,00,000/-?
    Unless LEF money management system is deliberately designed for all kinds of people to have access to that money, there is no reason to believe that LEF money is looted by a lot of scheming by some criminals. I guess all of us are asked to pretend that everything is OK and even after we hear things like these. After all did we not get indoctrinated to believe that the God is the judge and only He can judge and all of us have no right to judge?

What can mere mortals do? They can just cry … as I do…

*** We have hidden all identifications to the best of our ability


  1. The Prominent lady is the first cousin of the lady Commander in Chief.The lady's late husbands shares a name with the present pope.

  2. The Nice City is the Garden City of India.The City was once called a pensioners paradise.

  3. this is how they bought their relatives yo avoid them from Money the rat race to the HQ throne. . Money make many things for lef.

  4. The cousins of Mrs.LD control key centers where there is a lot of money(Collections) .One such cousin from the Manchester of South India is working hard to get her husband an Ophthalmologist as the Principal General Secretary or President filling the vacancy left by the senior jd's death.If that happens junior JD will run the organization through his proxy ..The Other Cousin is this Prominent Lady in the garden city .


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