Friday, March 25, 2016


Lily Daniel re-surfaced !!! How do I know? Her highness decided to get off her high horse and called me in the US 3 days ago. Why did she call? Because her biggest stooge Gnanakalanjiam got a shock treatment from us few days ago in Hyderabad. In fact, I left a message for John Daniel asking him to call me back to discuss what has been happening with my parents. Either he chickened out or thought it was beneath him to call back. In any case, he gave his loony villain mother the task of returning my call. Please refer to the earlier posts as to how this Daniel clan hijacked our dad both physically and mentally to make him their henchman to do their dirty work of replacing another family.

Here is the gist of the conversation:
A. I explained to her in detail my mother's health condition and how it is causing us enormous stress having our dad out to do LEF work and how my mother is dead against my dad being used like this in their old age.
Lily Daniel's questions and suggestions:
a. Is your mother in diapers? Is she immobile? 
b. Why don't you appoint a nurse or get a full-time helper? You will definitely find some Godly christian women who can stay with your mother full-time while your dad is taking care of the ministry in Nalgonda.
(I used a lot of restraint and stopped myself from blasting this crazy woman as I wanted to gather as much information from this woman as possible which I know I needed to nail them)
I rather politely told her these are options we will look at if my dad who is the primary care taker is dead or my mother agrees to get a full-time helper at home. As of now my mother is not open to the option of getting full-time help as it will be a huge hassle managing servants.
B. Lily Daniel explains how my dad is the one who is exercising faith and is guided by God to do all he is doing even though they gave him the option to leave.
Lily Daniel said that my dad told her son that we children are against our dad working for LEF as we are concerned that our parents will not be able to provide baby-sitting services for our children. My dad also told John Daniel that my dad feels miserable when he is in the US and we children are forcing him to move to US and he doesn't want to move to US and that's why he wants to do LEF work. Also, my dad begged them and pleaded with them to keep him in ministry even though they told him it is totally up to him to leave but he showed the Bible verse that warns him not to look back after putting the hand on the plow and that's why they let him stay as he wanted to obey God's call.
At this point Lily Daniel thought she did the most important job of establishing that all of this was my dad's decision and none of this was forced on him which is precisely what my dad tells. He repeatedly says that he is voluntarily doing this and LEF does not pay him a pie. On the contrary, he spends his own money to do what he is doing as "God abundantly blessed him" and he is doing this to show his gratitude to God"
Of course, Lily Daniel might have thought that I would not have any more leg to stand on as now she has told me that my dad was not forced into this and that all of this was his doing and none of it was their fault. Don't I know this blame game too well? 
C. Lily Daniel explains the Biblical basis of how LEF operates
After she told me that my dad was doing all of this with his own free will, I told Lily Daniel - "Yes, I understand that it was all my dad's decision but you are running a "church" and not some business and I am sure you all have some policies and procedures in place. According to LEF rule book, what are the qualifications for someone to become an evangelist in LEF? 
She quickly read out a list - good testimony, God's call, being capable of leading by example, sacrifice...
My question: How did my dad qualify for the job? He doesn't have a good testimony according to your LEF rules. I know of several people who were kicked out of their centers because their children did not marry LEF spouses. All three of us children are married outside LEF. In fact, one of us children is married to a Hindu. Then she asked what about the other two I said - one from Church of South India and another from some Baptist. She said these two churches are quasi Christian and people from these churches are as good as Hindus.
My response: If that is your opinion and it is precisely my point too. How can a man who could not raise his own children according to your organization's rules and regulations become a pastor in your church? What is he going to preach to others if he himself is a huge failure based on what you told me? 
At this point, she realized that she was getting trapped and started some Bible references and I knew what slippery slope that was.
I: "Ma'am, I am not interested in having theological discussions. As you yourself believe, I am not even a Christian according to your idea of who a Christian is and so please do not quote from the Bible. Talk to me like a lay person because I am a lay person. 
Now Lily tried to beat around the bush but I kept pressing her to tell me how my dad qualified to win a spot on their team.
Finally the true manipulative monster in her came out.
Lily Daniel: You children chose your own ways and why are you stopping your dad from doing his own thing? Like all LEF people, he feels like a fish out of water when he is with his family and that's why we are helping him to get away from you all and that is also the reason he doesn't want to come to US as he does not get job satisfaction when he is with his family. He is a man who had lot of power and how can you all use him to do chores like taking care of the household stuff? He needs to feel like a boss and that's why he wanted his own center and we gave it to him.
I: Ma'am, now you are talking about the real thing and also the dirty games that I all the while suspected LEF will play with people. So, my dad wants to get even with us children because we did not marry in LEF and you are providing ammunition to fight us."
Lily : No, no...that't not what I am saying. I am just saying that your dad needs a way out and also I know that he is really serving the Lord and all this confusion is Biblical. People blindly believe that Jesus came to give peace but that is not true. Son of God came to create strife and it is written in the Bible that - son will turn against father, mother against daughter and mother in law against daughter in law as Jesus brought the sword with him and not peace. You see that in my own family as we are serving God the way we are being divided.
I: So, all families in LEF are trained to have fights and you encourage these fights as all of these are Biblical. Then what about my mother who is my father's responsibility? She is not going with him and also he needs to stay alone in Nalgonda and that's not good for him too. Which Bible verse supports that a man can abandon his sick wife to do LEF work?
Lily: Don't worry about your dad. He looked very healthy to me. He is not weak or anything. We gave him a room and there will be a family to cook for him and feed him. You know Andhra people love pastors and your dad will not have any dearth for food. 
I: So, you all the while planned to separate him from his wife by providing just a room for him to stay in Nalgonda as you figured that's all he needs and you tell us to keep a full-time helper to take care of my mom. Also, how will my dad help all the women in the church if his wife is not around and not supporting him?
Lily: Don't worry about such things as your dad will not fall into any such traps as we in LEF are very careful. Also, is your mother not one with your dad in the spirit in all this?
I: I don't understand all your complicated language of being one in the spirit. All I know is she hates being near LEF people and that's the reason she did all she could to keep us children away from LEF.
Lily: So, your mother supported you children and not her husband in your marriages. Does she not attend LEF?
I: Like any good mother, my mother sought the well being of her children over everything else and yes, she is not a great fan of LEF. She went to LEF as my dad took her there and she will be more than happy not to go if my dad doesn't breathe down her neck and force her to go to LEF.
Lily: Oh, you are now enlightening me on a lot of stuff. So, your parents are one in the flesh and not in the spirit.
I: You did not know that my mom is against LEF? Have you ever seen  my mother? Did she ever come to your retreats? Did she ever come and see you when you visited Hyderabad?
Lily: I didn't think about all these things. Your dad is the only one we talk to and he never enlightened us on all this. I will speak to your parents in the May retreat and decide what to do.
I: I already told you my mother will not come and stand at your door step. If you want to talk to her, you need to go and see her in Hyderabad. That's how this works. 
Lily Daniel found it very offensive that I told her that she needs to go and see my mom and not the other way around
Lily: What do you mean she won't come? If she has a problem, she has to talk to us.
I: We know how to solve this problem. All we wanted was to know before we take that route to see if sense would prevail and if you would take steps to fix the problem. Be ready to face us in courts. You are running an organization and you have clearly stated that according to your Bible teachings you teach people that they are truly serving God when they walk out from their families and abandon their wives as you teach people that the Bible tells that Jesus came not to give peace but strife. So, you create strife in families as you make people believe that it is the true way to serve God and you are going to come to the courts and explain all this.
Lily: Why are you talking about courts and all that, madam? I am going to work on this during May retreat when we see your dad.

With this last statement I ended the conversation.
Forget about Lily Daniel being enlightened about my family. This conversation enlightened me and I am sure it is surely enlightening my readers. So, this explains the irrational and cruel behavior of many who are drunk with LEF philosophy. I always wondered how my dad could be so cruel and hard- hearted when it comes to his family but then so eloquently preach to people about the "love of God." It is because in his convoluted thinking and that of many LEF victims, the hurt that they cause to their families is proportionate to the love they have for God. So, people like my dad are heroes in LEF who get all the praise and honor as he is true to HIS calling because LEF managed to create more than enough strife in his family that Jesus apparently told all his true disciples will have. How can anyone unsave these LEF people who are "saved" in LEF?


  1. This is very frightening

  2. Believe me this is nothing. You are even allowed to let people die with no help or accidebtly given wrong medicine to get into coma. Same story even worst in Washingtons. No wonder they claim powerful in LEF. Verbally abuse till they get heart attack. There are lot of scarier stories in LEF. A deep deep pit.

  3. Oh my God...scripture is being misinterpreted in this way.taking it out of context...and framing you as the lost ones..i see people standing infront of their doors during may retreats for hours...may be many are called by her as if she wants to settle down issues...but infact she wants to show people are looking for her help after joe left..not knowing for many prolems she is the cause .thank you for sharing this people are becoming smarter..even they want to record wat she speaks...wen they are alone with her..because shez such manupulative even at this age...

  4. Even Satan used Gods word. It is easy to use it when you are corrupt than when you want to follow it for these ............. What ever Jesus called satan when he twisted his word

  5. Lily Daniel has not experienced the Prince of Peace in her life. Her own daughter said that she has Jezebel's spirit. The spirit of confusion and stupidity is with her. She bluntly misquoted the scriptures to support her evil plot against families. As someone observed earlier, clearly the philosophy of LEF is anti-families and extremely dangerous. It began with the choice of one's spouse: Someone in favour of these crooks is God's will and that's how they create living hells in several families whose marriages were arranged by these wicked people craftily in the name of God. It's extremely dangerous associating with such people like Lily. You see so much curses in her own family pertaining to relationships. Her manipulations won't last long. God's people need God's Spirit to guide them selves. Certainly they don't need witches like Lily.

  6. Let him fulfill the covenent he made to her infront of God. Only satan and his followers will not respect that. This is Gods rule lady. What bible are you reading. Remember even if win the whole world if you dont have love you are nothing. Bible says that cruel wicked lady.

  7. I was afraid for my life for a long long time. Had to lay down my life fir kids sake. Otherwise I would have ran away. Thank God these culprits got caught in their own plot. God really saved me from the grip of demons using his children. Still waiting to delivered fully. But they can not touch me as they threatened for a long time

  8. LD says to be in LEF ministry you need to have good testimony. Then why is there so many who are wicked openly claim that they have more power with their money . Does LD has a good testimony. I am sure she would have read Acts 8 million times if she really reads bible. Peter rebuked the man wanted to buy power even cursed them. But LD takes the money from criminals and the worst wicked of all and gives them power. She calls that a good testimony. Calls to let the evil flourish. Gods calling. She needs to read

    Acts 8. 14When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to Samaria. 15When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

    18When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money 19and said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.”

    20Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! 21You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. 22Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord in the hope that he may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. 23For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.”. These verses say to whom the iniquity grips one who bribes and i am sure one who takes it.

    You are all rich in greed and wickedness and poor in love and honesty

    Proverbs 22:16 One who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and one who gives gifts to the rich--both come to poverty. One day when jesus comes you will be begging to the poor you oppressh

  9. What further proof do we need that the lef leadership has not accepted Jesus the prince of peace as their lord and saviour. They have not tasted calvary love.

  10. Whistleblowers

    I have just watched John Daniel 'preaching' (for want of a better word) at the so-called LEF Easter Retreat in Novi, Michigan. I did not expect to hear anything remotely spiritual, helpful, or articulate, and I was not disappointed! Call my interest morbid curiosity, if you like..........

    In addition to being characteristically inept, uninspired, and ungifted, John Daniel appears to have used his platform opportunity to bad mouth your family, lying about the circumstances you have described here, and with barely veiled threats against you siblings who are so concerned about your parents. He makes no mention of your mother's long term illness, and the fact that she needs your father at home in India. Instead he bizarrely claims that you are motivated by your need of baby-sitters and servants in the US!

    I thought that John Daniel was simply a weak, talentless middle-aged man pushed into undeserved prominence by his ambitious parents, and latterly by his widowed mother, Lily, who is desparate to keep control of the income LEF gives her and her family, and to retain the status she has undeservedly enjoyed anongst naive Indian followers and a handful of Germans.

    Now that I have watched him 'preach' as above, I have revised my opinion. John Daniel is not simply his mother's foolish dupe. He is an evil man whose mindless stammering, which he thinks is 'preaching', is of no use to anyone. He uses his 'preaching' to launch personal attacks on individuals who have got wise to his family's wickedness, and to make pawns of vulnerable people. He has no compassion, ignoring your mother's suffering. He accuses you siblings of being motivated by money, when it is known that, on the contrary, you have provided enormous support to your parents over many years, compensating in great measure for what LEF took away.

    John Daniel's stumbling tongue is only useful for brow-beating and issuing vicious, malicious threats from his self-appointed pulpit position. God never called him to preach, probably not even to personal salvation. It is a historic fact that stupid people in power are in many ways more damaging that cunning people.

    What kind of man is too afraid to defend himself on this site, but uses the Word of God and a preacher's platform to spout vicious lies on a video recording broadcast over the internet, where he knows he is safe from immediate response or contradiction?

    LEF supporters, do not think that when Lily dies your servitude will be lightened. You will be at the mercy of an ignorant, lazy man with huge ambition and very little brain; a man who will stop at nothing to hang on to the power and money that he was counting on inheriting in perpetuity from his reprobate father, Joshua Daniel. You are not supporting 'God's work', but the comfortable homes and lifestyles of Lily, Lydia, John and Birgit Daniel, and the college education of this couple's five daughters.

  11. How pitiful they have to use the pupit for abomination. Even pagans have more honor and devotion to their idols than these thieves who use the alter to glorify themselves and coverup their wickedness than glorifying God for his sacrifice, love mercy and grace. It can not get lower than this to humiliate God. Only Satan and hus followers will do that. If they really understand the richness and value of the most important day in history the agony Jesus went through to save us, nothing else matters. No gain is important. They are just beggars. Pupit is their begging bowl. Read 45:3. Gid says he will level the mountains and break the bronze gate to give you the hidden treasures. You dont have beg and loot like this. What a shame to the richvname of JESUS

  12. The bible says We have the same spirit in us that raised Jesus

    Romans 8:11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.
    Luke 12:12. The Holy Spirit will teach you what to say. Exodus. 4:12. Gid will help you speak and teach what to say. Jeremiah 1:9. I have put words in your mouth. Isaiah. I have put words in your mouth. And covered you with the shadow of my hand.

    Where is the proof that God is within you and you speak what God says. Except pilot of LEF is turning to sanctuary for thieves. You just speak what ever you want to say to manipulate people.

    Mathew 12;30 says. Whoever is not with me is against me. If you are spilling your greed on the pulpit your not with God. But against God that is satan.

  13. All it reminds me is that this "For God will bring every deed into judgment,including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil - Ecclesiastes 12:14". I am very surprised how Lily lives. Why did she call after many years? what is the core reason behind? the one and only reason is to peace with you.. why she tries to make peace with you when she herself says that Jesus came into this world to create fights. Next time if she call you, can you ask this question to her on behalf of me, why the hell she keeps her son and d-in-law together living and making children? why didn't she separate them and send them for God's work? nonsense lady.. she is fit for nothing. The whole LEF people know that because of her evil work her entire family is suffering.. it is NOT the Lord God or Jesus who destroys peace.. She lacks basic theology. whoever follows Jesus will have eternal life and peace and whoever does not follow will get into the trap. How come she preaches without knowing this truth?
    It clearly shows that how LEF people are. they all lack Love and affection and true peace.. They all men pleasures.. Only folks who are well educated and understood the reality have come out. why did she try to promote IC knowing his evil work? Why did LEF file a case in court in New Delhi? Who is she asking NOT to go to court? After reading the entire blog, I understand that Daniel family is starting sinking as the fear engulf them.. The countdown started now..

  14. Big Amen. She supports the evil for her greed and tries to make peace with people who oppose the evil and make the evil florish and uses bible for that. Remember LD satan tried it and failes. It is better to be abused by you and your goondas to follow the foot steps of JESUS. One day you and your goondas are going to be ctushed by the army of JESUS.


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