Wednesday, May 06, 2015


Here is an account one of our readers sent that captures the decry of people who are abused by an evangelist in Andhra who happens to JD's cousin. The abuse described fits the description of what goes on in most of the LEF centers in India.
It’s true what many have said about the harassment in LEF and it’s still happening. These LEF rogues literally threaten people and harass them mentally. They say that curse will fall on people repeatedly if they don't obey them. I see people giving more respect to the evangelists than to God. God is only secondary. LEF is all about pleasing evangelists. They want to bring more people who in the long run will be made cash cows. If you people have observed even in catholic churches where the pope is head reverence to God is more than it is to the priests. I have never experienced calmness in LEF churches that I have experienced in a non-LEF church like a catholic cathedral or a CSI church for that matter. In LEF, everywhere there is just threatening and spelling of curses. This teaching is so deeply engrossed in the subconscious minds of people that they literally don’t want to oppose anything their evangelist says. 
I still hear and see evangelists, especially one cousin of JD clan who never appreciates any one building houses and getting good jobs. He keeps saying-"do the will of God" which for him is to serve him and he expects people to be falling at his feet which is totally against God’s word. In most other churches the church will be open on all days and any one can go and pray at any time as per the convenience of the individual other than attending the common services. Here is the protocol of church services and what it entails.
 1. Sunday morning: Most regular people attend this service and this is an acceptable norm.
 2. Sunday evening: Regular people are questioned if they don’t attend. Evangelist says “you are wasting your time if you don’t attend.” 
3. Wednesday evening: People have to attend. If they don’t, they are questioned. Evangelist says- “your prayer life is not good, if you don’t attend.”
4. Saturday fasting prayer: If you don’t attend, you are a traitor. 
In addition to the above schedules, most LEF centers have these schedules.
5. First Tuesday of every month: Some special meeting.
6. Thursday: Brother’s meeting 
7. Friday evening: Cottage meeting 
8. Month of May: Everyday preparing for May retreat. 
9. Month of June: Everyday prayer meeting. 
10. All national holidays and also bandh or strike times: Some or the other event 
11. LEF anniversary: People are squeezed at least for a week or two to do different things. Retired people or long-time members who are regular attendees are asked to preach in different places. They are given schedules. This happens in many centers. If they are not able to go for any reason, they have to go and beg like they do in an office and get permission. Also, these old people who are so used to this way of life are so afraid that if they don't obey the evangelist, then they will get rejected and not even be considered as a LEF person anymore. 
12. December:  Again carol services which is another big tamasha. Every member is expected to be in all carol services in all sub-centers. 
13. May Retreat: No matter what, long-time members have to to travel to get baked in sun in the month of May (no matter what their physical condition or their family schedule is) and see the Chennai circus show. 
People have to attend all of the above without an exception.People could come to all these meetings without much discomfort when the conditions were different. Back then, 90 percent people were employed Monday to Friday and from 9 am to 5 pm or did some agricultural work. Now people work 24/7 and travel everywhere for work. Attending all these services is not possible and victimizing people for not attending is not acceptable. I know that many children want their parents to be with them in old age so that they can relax and they can take care of them and vice versa but these old people are not allowed by this evangelist to go on vacation to their children who are in different places. 
In spite of all this, this evangelist is so cunning. He never speaks about any ongoing evil within the church and ask for prayer. I don’t understand what they pray for. The elderly people do not even know anything about whistle blower or they are not even told about this.
This evangelist, JD’s cousin targets old and retired people. It doesn't matter to him if these old people are healthy or not or if they have children or grandchildren to take care of or not. He needs all these old people to come to every single one of these meetings. He simply says-“come and fall at my feet and god will take care of the rest." Some people have to travel (be it commuting in a bus over long distance in sun or rain or dust and traffic) and this evangelist blasts them if they cannot make it. He harasses people with his harsh words if for some reason they cannot show up to any of the meetings.
Here are somethings to note:
A. Not everyone can attend all the meetings (This should be taken in the right spirit) 
B. Everyone has a family and work which they have to balance and then also involve in church activity. (This again is not accepted - saying "Be in church, God will take care of your family) 

If all this is not harassment, then what else is harassment?


  1. Forcing or blackmailing people, especially vulnerable people, into attending LEF (or any) meetings is certainly not Biblical. All that Scripture says (the apostle Paul) about meetings is: 'Forsake not the gathering of yourselves together'. Paul does not specify when or where, or how often this should be. He is simply saying that as Christians we need regular fellowship with one another, whenever appropriate and convenient, and that He wants us to enjoy worshipping Him together.

    Whoever this 'evangelist' fellow is, he is extremely spiritually immature, has been brainwashed by Joshua Daniel into exhibiting the silly behaviour related here, and has also seen advantages to himself in insisting on people's attendance. Does he get money for LEF at every meeting?

    For myself, I love being in church with my brothers and sisters. That is largely because we have an excellent pastor (see the link to St. Paul's Free Evangelical church on this site), and his sermons and Bible studies are always stimulating and encouraging. Prayer meetings are a joy. Equally, I do not feel guilty if I decide not to go to a meeting, for whatever reason, and if people enquire as to my absence, it is simply to make sure that I am not ill and needing assistance. I have been a Christian for many decades, and have always used my God-given common sense about whether I should attend a meeting or not. I know from my own experience that younger, educated people associated with LEF tend to ignore the kind of nonsense this evangelist spouts, but how sad that the elderly are his and Joshua Daniel's victims, in this and many other matters.

    Joshua Daniel has much to answer for, in terms of the damage he has done to God's people individually, and to the Christian faith in general, and he will have had to answer for it in person to God last October. The Bible tells us that people who mislead his children in His name are especially culpable - the Scribes and Pharisees in particular.

    You younger people must persevere with your elders, convincing them from Scripture of the foolishness of what they are being told by these 'hireling evangelists', 'false prophets', 'wolves in sheep's clothing'.

    1. Yes Exactly.

      You can go and involve in different work as and when it is convenient. You should have the flexibility and spontaneity.

      This is the opposite here.

      There is no spontaneity here. These elderly people are doing it for the heck of it and just because its is expected they have to do things.

      Why should people be oppressed in such a way. This will not give real edification.

      The most irritating thing is these guys (Leaders) expect people to literally tremble on seeing them and give respect and treat them more than God. And they love to see people doing that.

      There is freedom at Gods presence
      there is good union and equality
      there is good fellowship where there is real true spirit of god is.

      On the contrary these people always want to have the first say in any matter. Be it a simple thing or any thing. A common believer cannot say or suggest any thing at all. It has to be approved by the big rogues even if its keeping a door open or closed. Utter Nonsense.!

  2. This blog post I guess is about the Vijayawada guy. He is a big chamcha of Daniel family.

  3. Ld and her followers reaped what they sowed in splitting families. There is no condemnation worst than condemned by your own children . her and her followers have the worst families on the planet. They just have a fake spirituality . how peaceful is that. Just claim all who heavily burdened come to rest. Only the families relieved from them have rest. Though they get caught red handed they are shameles . . one of her followers. Got caught by the church members many times. Though he threatened to kill the other led people if they tell . he keeps getting caught in his own lies. But fakes as if everything all right though everybody is dicusted about this hypo racy. One day LD and her followers going to betray each other and blow themselves up because the team is full of betrayers , layers gissipers abusers thieves. They did it in their own families. IG is just matter of time.

  4. Well said, This is in Vijayawada, and the great man is Priyananath. He has spoiled so much work in that area, Many innocent people were sent out from LEF or else crushed by telling LIES to JD. JD hears him and his words like Gods words. Not only in Vijayawada even surrounding centers he ruled ( ruling) like a king. So many Evangelists most seniors than him (spiritually and by age) were humbled. never respects any one, Imitates JD in words and actions. He feels he is one more JD in Andhra. If he doesn't like any one never allowed to meet JD, his chamcha Suresh Marcus will be at the gate, he will give sign by his eyes. that's all the person who stands in the queue will be there all the days of the retreat or meetings. never allowed to go in. That is the thamasha all these years they did. made innocent to grieve. There is a talk in Andhra " Priyanath is not leading by the spirit of God but with evil spirit," Be cause he brought so many divisions, destroyed the families and lives. No one will respect him with love but with fear. Now one more Retreat... wait and see how many he will send out, by telling lies or complaing to JJD and LD.

    1. Who would want to go and speak with JD anyway, after hearing his dubious brand of 'preaching'? I am amazed that people would wait in line for such a purpose.....I was amazed when I actually witnessed this happening, and am amazed that it apparently continued after I ceased to have anything to do with LEF.

    2. Whoever wants position. Watch these people who visit often LD and team. They don't follow anything what is said on the pulpit. The more they are closer the wickeder They prepare the stories what JD and LD went to hear 98 ℅ lies. If you are trapped inside this drama. Imagine the life especially the innocent family. They visit often just to show others how big they are but with the lowest life style.

    3. Aiyagaru Priyanath (Big Old man) can jump as he wants, but can he preach at the May Retreat, No. As soon as he sees one of JJD children, he needs to bow down and keep bowing till the day is over, He has to be oh so reverent, then why all this great drama. shameless, spineless old man

  5. The exact same thing happens in Coimbatore too. Ask any one and they will say more than this.

  6. Solo many. May 6 2:14 different
    I thought there are only few. It looks like there are many. The man mentioned in  does all the above and more. He splits his own family abuses his family for not going along with his wicked schemes even has   He splits people and bribed both the sides and covers up does the same thing at church and sent the wife out of the church because she questioned about his lies  even cause problem between his wife and children so his wickedness will get covered up. Even runs his family using this dirty politics and controls everybody and uses the family as prop for his politics
    But talks all the time about God. Lies gossip abuse bribe and sweet talk is his strong weapon. Him and his whole family work as team much worse those who go along are done with their lives even inside family taken everything Favored by LD and Co
    But now the reason is clear. Sad to know. So many are suffering because of these wicked people. Sure sign of end time

  7. thanks for exposing this man. there r others who are doing like him in guntur hyd vizag bvrm kkd etc. i feel chamchas are more harmful than JD because they made him as king.

  8. If someone (evangelist) tries to bulldoze you or belittle you in the presence of others just tell them that you are quiting LEF because of the sick atmosphere in LEF and move on to another church.The emotional association with the Daniel Family and the loyalty to any church is biblically incorrect.

    1. Guess you are a person living perfectly upto all the standards of the Bible!

  9. Hi All,

    Anonymous @ May 09, 2015 10:43 AM is getting irritated. So looks like he has a new religion that he wants others to know guess what -

    " Not Every person can live perfectly upto all the standards of the Bible!"

    May be yes - But Bizarre - this fellow , im sure is a Daniel clan - wants to justify in such cheap manner.

    can he say this in a court of law when he is caught doing some thing wrong???

    He will say.. Dear Judge - Not every person can live perfectly upto all the standards and law of the land. So even me and my lef rogues, bandits & head also cannot. so please dont mind what we are doing!

    If they were in Arab - They would be whipped ripe!

  10. Head of Coimbatore JJ is also a biggest harasser. He doesn't want any one to do their personal work at all. He harasses every one to the core. He never likes people growing financially and also in the society. Never encourages good jobs and salaries. Its always so discouraging to talk to him. Never encourages any one in what they do.

    1. this is normal pattern in fellowship. But once some get the power and money after rebelling them the rebels get acceptance, favor and big position and are are allowed to abuse others using LEF does not matter how wicked the rebels are. There are some blood sheds too covered up for influence and money

  11. North_AmericanMay 11, 2015 8:15 AM

    When I left the LEF many years ago, the idea of sending a well-written letter to all the evangelists crossed my mind. I recall once seeing a little book which had the names and addresses of all the evangelists. Does such a book still exist? How about something with e-mail addresses? For a cultish group like the LEF, open communication can do wonders!

    1. u can visit lefi. org and click the directory link. if u write to evangelist he will suppress the facts and church will never know. for example: i came to know abot bro sathy letter to IC thru this blog only. so think about it.

    2. North American: sadly it seems the ordinary attenders of LEF meetings would at best only receive a doctored version in which the Daniels would be portrayed as the victims of a vicious campaign against them. Another possibility would be to interest the media, and in particular those documentary makers or newspapers who specialise in such scandals. This is generally distasteful to Christians, though, and even charlatans like Benny Hinn and Joyce Meyer still seem to attract a following, no matter what comes to light about their 'ministries' and their finances. Might it be possible for you, in the USA, to explore this possibility, though? I imagine that in the US people would be less susceptible to the bribes which seem to be hindering the exposure of the Daniels' and their henchmen's deeds in India. If it would rescue even a few more from LEF abuse and servitude, it might be worth it.


    3. Few decades ago i was exposed to dark secrets of some close followers of Lef. When questioned about everything that is against bible i was lablled  darkness  and hindrance to Gods work. So long lived with guilt and fear. Now after so many years guilt free because of whistleblower, lef understand the truth and brother Sathy's letter. Now these faithfull followers who worked their way up say everyone on top is like them. That is true. All along the top people were the once who supported everything that is going on. It is so sad power in Lef gives the power to control many lives and chase away innocemt soles from God for their greed for control and money.Witnessed many poor and innocent lives gone waste and irreparable. One day God will help people like whistleblowers to restore Gods peoples lives. As isaiah 58:12 says.Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings. 

  12. Dear North_American, while I appreciate your idea of sending a well - written letter to all the evangelists, It is good, but it is not that the Indian evangelists are totally unaware, they do see and know the oppression, they have come to a sort of understanding that let the big people do what they want, I cant change them. The LEF is a dangerous cult and the leaders do know how to handle freethinkers, enough spies and bootlickers are present. You can interest the media especially in US about the tax frauds committed by these so called church leaders and chase them out, But in India on receiving your letter,the evangelist will just sigh and say "God only has to change these people".

  13. The typical present day LEF evangelist is a fellow who craves for self importance, doesn't want to work but craves for all comforts. In earlier days the LEF evangelists worked and supported them and the ministry, Now the children want to follow dad as money is free.The only recognition he has comes from the LEF evangelist badge which JJD and LD have bestowed on him, so he cravenly licks their boots and tries to bite the worshippers. My request is, If you feel uncomfortable with the evangelist, find a church where you are valued, I know many who have done like that and are much more happier

  14. The LEF evangelists are always discouragers and can't rejoice with those who rejoice, but will be doing the opposite. In one centre nearly 8 people had cancer, the great born preacher was cracking jokes after jokes in a high pitched voice. These don't even know the spelling of ministry.

  15. Any news on the great circus AKA retreat

  16. See what happened Commotion in ACA during Sunday Service(15-02-2015), hope and pray that similar will not happen soon in LEF

  17. When the 100 Page Document is ready online, please give the link in this blog.

  18. Looks like there are lot of phone jammers kept in BG campus.. May be they will be tapping wires too.

    Also seems to me many spy's ..

  19. lot of phone jammers kept in BG campus.. May be they will be tapping wires too.Also seems to me many spy's ..
    Let the LEF faithful think whether for this purpose they give their money, mistakenly thinking it is for God's work.


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